• Resolved 80grit


    This menu consists of About, Services, Gallery, Shop and Contact Us.
    Using the Landy Theme which is has one-page scrolling in effect. The Contact Us page by the way contains Contact Form 7.

    url: https://www.riddleworks.ca

    When one clicks between any item in the menu, with the exception of Contact Us, the menu functions properly. However, once one clicks on Contact Us – and directs us to the Contact page – the link in the menu becomes a dead-end. All the other links – About, Services, Gallery, Shop – now do not function at all.

    For the menu to regain its functionality, one must click on “Riddleworks” – name of the website – on the left hand side. Only then will the menu effectively reset itself with all menu links working again – the exception Contact Us.

    Have chimped around (experimented and scoured for answers online) for a couple weeks now. Landy Theme Support continually refers me to their Documentation PDF which does nothing to correct the problem. I even sent them the url, pointed out the problem and asked for their guidance; they simply directed me to their Documentation PDF.

    Swami-like insights or simple clarity is appreciated.


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  • Bill


    The problem seems to be that the other menu items all refer to sections of the main page (by ID), but the contact form actually is on a different page. Is there a way for you to add the contact form to the same page?

    Since this seems to be a commercial theme, we can’t offer much assistance here as we have no access to the code. Above, you link to the Menu plugin. Is that what is being used? I see that that plugin hasn’t been updated for about 5 years and is only listed as compatible up to WP2.9.2. If that’s hard-coded into the theme and you can’t get any support from the author, maybe it’s time for a new theme?

    One other thought is that you might use redirects as a work-around, either with a plugin, or using htaccess rules. Not the ideal method in my view but probably do-able.

    Thread Starter 80grit


    Thanks so much for the reply.
    All your feedback is new and fascinating, because I am absolutely lost.

    When I performed an Inspect Element to Main Menu-2, UL, all the other menu items have common features, a logical path, including the href: The Contact item contents, however, are a monstrous mish-mash of multiple botched attempts to achieve a result.

    Your other comment:
    I link to the Menu plugin. If I did it wasn’t intentional. What is the Menu plugin?
    Would that be part of the WordPress Theme we are using – Landy Theme? If so, that’s amazing that the Theme creators would still use it. The theme was purchased just one month ago.

    BTW: Landy Support has been helpful on other fronts, and in fact corrected a css mistake within the Contact Form – field visibility. That said, they have been surprisingly deaf to repeated emails on this particular topic.

    Given my comments and your insights, what would you recommend?

    Thanks so much, Bill!

    Thread Starter 80grit


    Hey Bill,
    I forgot to address your initial comment:
    “The problem seems to be that the other menu items all refer to sections of the main page (by ID), but the contact form actually is on a different page. Is there a way for you to add the contact form to the same page?”

    All I know is I began by placing the Contact Form in a Post, then a Page; then who knows what-the-hell else. At one point I thought that I could create a Page for the Contact Form and copy the slug, then Link that slug into the Menu, as I had done successfully with the other menu items – all purely by blind luck. ??




    I link to the Menu plugin. If I did it wasn’t intentional. What is the Menu plugin?

    I’m glad that plugin isn’t part of the issue then. I would’ve been very surprised to see a newish theme using it. So we can forget about that.

    If you are able to set up your menu through the normal admin menus panel, I think if you can set your links for each menu item to use absolute links (https://www.riddleworks.ca/#shop-page) instead of relative (#shop-page) you should be OK. As it is now, when you’re on the contact page, the links don’t point back to the main page.

    Thread Starter 80grit


    Hey Bill,
    For the life of me, I can’t explain how I could have successfully set-up the other menu items to link, but can’t replicate the steps when it comes to the Contact Us page. #%*@!!
    Background: The other successfully linked Menu items all have the Link #Slug used and then added to the Menu.

    To review my recent steps – attempted for the zillionth time. ??
    1. Copy and pasted shortcode into newly created Page. Click Publish.
    2. Went to Menus/Most Recent/Add Pages. Click Save. Result: No dice. Doesn’t work.
    3. Then tried this: Went to Menus/Link Tab/ [Entered Slug and Link Text (for Menu Item)] / Added to Menu. Click Save. Result: No dice. Doesn’t work.

    As Brando mumbled in Apocalypse Now, “The horror…the horror.”

    Thread Starter 80grit


    Just to add to my previous Post:
    After creating a page and pasting in the shortcode, I gave this page the same Parent page as the other items in the Menu which are successfully linked.



    (Sorry for the delay. For some reason I’m not getting notifications for this thread – and only this thread.)

    For the life of me, I can’t explain how I could have successfully set-up the other menu items to link, but can’t replicate the steps when it comes to the Contact Us page.

    Those other links work fine with ID-slugs because they’re all on the same page. Once you’re on ‘contact-us’, the slugs alone don’t work.

    I’m assuming you’ve been trying to change the ‘contact-us’ link in your steps above. I think you need to change the others instead to use full urls (https://www.riddleworks.ca/#about). That way the navigation menu on ‘contact-us’ will have all the info necessary to get you back to the main page. Try with one first – maybe ‘about’. Create a new menu item via the link method and see if you can navigate between that and ‘contact-us’, using the new menu link of course.

    Thread Starter 80grit


    “I think you need to change the others instead to use full urls (https://www.riddleworks.ca/#about).”

    How would I do that? I was unaware I had been doing anything intentional other than choosing Page or Post, then heading to the Menus Tab.
    Do you mean once in the Menus Tab choose the Menus/Link method (#followed by slug) and then add to Menu Structure; as opposed to Menus/Pages, add to Menu Structure?

    Can you clarify the distinction between going the Menus/Link route (creates full urls) versus the Menus/Pages route? I thought they would both achieve the same result. That is, if I am understanding you correctly.

    And Bill, thanks so much for your patience and insight. I feel like Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in the computer scene from Zoolander.

    I’ll try what I think you’ve described. Although, it seems I’ve tried everything.
    Thanks again. Will update.



    I feel like Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in the computer scene from Zoolander.

    Ha! Thanks for that clip. I’m starting to feel the same way.

    I thought they would both achieve the same result.

    To be honest, so did I. But your theme is inserting your menu links like so:
    <a href="#shop-page">Shop</a>
    Using the Link method will allow you to specify the complete url:
    <a href="https://www.riddleworks.ca/#shop-page">Shop</a>
    Worth a try.

    Thread Starter 80grit


    Hey Bill,
    Figured it out!! Halle-damn-lujah!!!

    The Landy Template has about 19 different page templates.
    For the longest time I used the Default Page Template; And also tried other Page Templates at some earlier stage. But who knows why those didn’t work.

    What I do know is things worked by selecting Text Full Width Template and entering “5” for Order.
    After that, I went to Menus/Link, added “#Contact Us” to the url, wrote “Contact Us” for Link Text then clicked Add to Menu. BTW: All items in the Menu are Custom Links not Page additions.

    Bill, thanks again for your insight and guidance. You made a big difference.
    See ya.



    At last! Congrats on working it out. And thanks for filling me in on the fix. I figured it was some theme-specific approach to getting the contact form on the main page with the rest of the content, but without access to the theme I couldn’t see it.

    Please mark this resolved so anyone else looking for help with the theme will find it. Cheers.

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