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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    can I know what do you mean by contact info and is this under Event Submission Forms ?

    Thread Starter Yourdigihands


    Hi Angelo,
    I see placeholders for info about contacts. But there are no fields in a recurring event to enter contact info. Most of the times the contact person for an event is not nessecarily the one who creates the event.



    Can you provide a screenshot of the contact info you’re referring to please?

    There is, by default, nowhere to add contact info to a recurring event.


    Thread Starter Yourdigihands


    In your documentation at plaeholders i see the following placeholders that i can’t register anywhere. Where can i register the data for those placeholders?:
    Contact Details

    The values here are taken from the chosen contact for the specific event, or the default contact in the settings page.
    #_CONTACTNAMEName of the contact person for this event (as shown in the dropdown when adding an event).#_CONTACTUSERNAMEContact person’s username.#_CONTACTEMAILE-mail of the contact person for this event.#_CONTACTURLWebsite of the contact person for this event.#_CONTACTPHONEPhone number of the contact person for this event. Can be set in the user profile page.#_CONTACTAVATARContact person’s avatar.#_CONTACTPROFILELINKContact person’s “Profile” link. Only works with BuddyPress enabled.#_CONTACTPROFILEURLContact person’s profile url. Only works with BuddyPress enabled.#_CONTACTIDContact person’s WordPress user ID.#_CONTACTMETADisplay any user meta of a WordPress account by including the meta key, e.g. #_CONTACTMETA{dbem_phone}

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    those placeholder is from WP Users; and that can be added thru the users event registration or if you manually add them and then set as author when creating single or recurring events.

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