I just did the suggested changes, but nothing changed:
[2018-11-11 08:11:09] ERROR: WPForms > MailChimp API Error: Bad Request. Invalid Resource. Your merge fields were invalid.
– FNAME : Please enter a value
– LNAME : Please enter a value
Request: PUT https://us18.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/86924dc24b/members/812fb220239f1abced4bb390bf8d29d6 – {“email_address”:”kath************@gm***.com”,”interests”:{},”merge_fields”:{},”status”:”pending”,”email_type”:”html”,”ip_signup”:”″}
Response: 400 Bad Request – {“type”:”https://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/”,”title”:”Invalid Resource”,”status”:400,”detail”:”Your merge fields were invalid.”,”instance”:”592efb40-dd2f-42f8-8900-34ebdcfdb270″,”errors”:[{“field”:”FNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”},{“field”:”LNAME”,”message”:”Please enter a value”}]}
However, I realised that the problem is being originated by my cookies and its autocompletion fields for forms. If I avoid this, then this is the message I get:
[2018-11-11 18:25:22] INFO: WPForms > Successfully subscribed guil*****@cl******.ca
The problem is that even though I got the success message, the lead has not been imported to Mailchimp yet (neither to Hubspot).