no & T When installing updating your plugin today and access the general option from the dasabhoard of Worpress I noticed that the pestala has disappeared. On the other hand on top of me a warning message telling The following file (s) is / are blocking your XML sitemaps from working Properly appears:
Either delete them (this can be done With the “Fix it” button) or disable XML Yoast SEO Fix it sitemaps.Al press the button, the above message disappears, erasing the file you had uploaded it to my server root of the site. The problem is that pressing the button to solve the anomaly disappears notice red, but to save the changes, refresh the page or simply switch to another tab reappears plugin, I deleted the root directory having the sitemaps.xml. Also as indicated by the alert message I tried to disable the Sitemaps Sitemaps from your plugin option but to return to the General tab, the message reappears. Is it a bug of the plugin? How can I solve this problem ? To what extent affects the SEO of my web and all clients that I have to install the plugin. While waiting for an answer, carefully: