• I’m trying to test this plugin a bit, and I’ve come across a bit of an issue.

    Within the admin area, when editing a piece of content, the “Content Audit Notes” meta box is empty, no matter what I do.

    Looking at the code, there are a few reasons for this:
    1) The plugin is testing entirely based on the user’s role. In a multisite installation, Super/Network Admins may not have an explicit role on an individual site (or may have the default user role of “Subscriber”), but they should still have access to the notes.
    2) The code that attempts to grab the user’s role is assuming that the array of roles will be 0-indexed. In my case, for whatever reason, the roles array consisted of one element with a key of 12, rather than a key of 0. Therefore, trying to grab $current_user->roles[0] was returning nothing.

    I would recommend the following changes to the content_audit_notes_meta_box() function:

    $role = $current_user->roles[0];

    Should be changed to:

    $role = is_array( $current_user->roles ) ? array_shift( $current_user->roles ) : '';


    if ( in_array( $role, $allowed ) )

    Should probably be changed to something like:

    if ( ( is_multisite() && is_super_admin() ) || in_array( $role, $allowed ) )

    Based on a very cursory search, it looks like similar changes should be made to the content_audit_taxonomies(), content_audit_boxes(), content_audit_owner_meta_box(), content_audit_exp_date_meta_box(), save_content_audit_meta_data() and content_audit_quickedit() functions, as well. Thanks.


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  • Thread Starter Curtiss Grymala


    Just as a follow-up, it looks like these changes would also be useful within the following functions in content-audit-report.php, as well.

    • content_audit_column_setup()
    • content_audit_columns()
    • content_audit_front_end_display()
    • content_audit_front_end_css()

    If it’s helpful, I’m happy to put together an SVN patch or a Git pull request (if you have this plugin in a Git repo anywhere) for these changes. Thanks.

    Thanks for this information!

    Plugin Author Stephanie Leary


    Thank you, Curtiss! I’m slowly getting all my plugins up on GitHub. I would love a pull request for this:

    I’m also planning to add some hooks and filters throughout. The CSV columns, for sure. Anything else you’ve come across that would be handy to modify?

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