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  • Well it happens when update releases and especially when it has changes in texts and explanations, so its normal, but later everything will be translated and it should stop (or much slower updates).

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Matej K.. Reason: typo
    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    Hi Francesco,

    Can you let us know which language packs you have installed on your site? That will help us investigate whether the nearly daily translation updates you’re experiencing should be happening.

    Thread Starter Francesco d’Elia


    I @kbrownkd, all my sites are in italian language and five sites are in italian/english with WPML

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    Thanks! We’re looking into this.

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    Hi @newmediologo,

    I installed the Italian language pack for Akismet on one of my sites, and I’ve been watching for updates. I received an update today, which was caused by a few new translations being added to the plugin. You can see the latest translations sorted by the Date Modified here.

    Are you still seeing updates for the Akismet Italian language pack almost every day? I’ll continue watching for updates on my site.

    Thread Starter Francesco d’Elia


    Hi @kbrownkd, it seems that the translations flow is finish.. Thanks..

    Thread Starter Francesco d’Elia


    @kbrownkd another translation update just now..

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    The translations for a few strings were updated today, and maybe that’s the translation update you received.

    Thread Starter Francesco d’Elia


    Another update, It’becoming really annoying..

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    I received an update today, too. I noticed in the translation history that two strings keep switching between two translations. I’ve asked our translation team for help in troubleshooting this, and I’ll keep you updated on the investigation.

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    @newmediologo Good news! The translation team has identified the cause, and the frequent updates should stop. I’ll keep this thread open until we’ve confirmed that they’ve stopped.

    Thank you for reporting this!

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    @newmediologo – I haven’t received any translation updates for Akismet this week, and I think this issue is resolved. Have you received any updates?

    Thread Starter Francesco d’Elia


    Hi @kbrowknd It seems that the translations flow is finish..

    Plugin Author kbrownkd (a11n)


    Great! I’m going to mark this as resolved. Please let us know if you notice the frequent updates happening again.

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