Continuous redirects to /wp-admin/&reauth=1
After clean installation of WP and Network enabled can’t login into blog
wp redirects me to
after each login
How can I solve this?
same problem here, I cleared cache and cookies ans still can′t login
same issue here
Same here – with a brand new site, brand new install, following all the instructions at
Background Info:
Wordpress 3.0.1 on Dreamhost shared hosting
PHP and MySQL updated to very recent versions (don’t remember exact, but checked for Buddypress before starting this)
pretty urls enabled just fine
all plugins disabled before install begun
database backed up before install begunInstallation:
Added line to config file using net2ftp webFTP editor (didn’t download to computer)
Chose subdirectories, not subdomains – and checked that site goes to, not
Clicked on Install – never got to the “Enabling the Network” screen, it went straight to the login redirect loop (or just a redirect error on some browsers).Troubleshooting:
Started with Chrome, so got advice on cookies & cache – cleared both, no difference
Went to Firefox & Camino, no help
Checked a
setting. Waited, didn’t work, changed it back.
Tried going to wp-admin/install.php and changing it to install-old.php. Didn’t work.I’m just trying to get a site set up for a community organization, and I can see there may be good reasons to use multisite with subdirectories in the future. I don’t necessarily want to set up a bunch of additional sites now, but I also don’t want to lose the chance to use this tool.
Here’s the site, if anyone has any better luck:
WordPress 3.0.1 on Dreamhost shared hosting
Check with them – they may require an upgraded plan.
Also, if you’ve used their one-click wordpress installer , they add a bunch of junk to the bottom of the config file which has interfered with setups before.
Thanks, Andrea.
I’d checked around on the Dreamhost forums and wiki before signing up with them, trying to see what the options would be for multisite. I found this conversation in the forums where you tried to confirm what restrictions they would put on multisite and one of their staff confirmed they would support subdirectories.
What I didn’t find online (though it may be there, I just didn’t see it) is that it does indeed take a different type of subscription, a VPS (Virtual Private Server). It costs about $15 a month, according to this website:
I wasn’t planning on setting up multiple blogs right now, I just wanted to have the superadmin role and any database adjustments set up so I could possibly add that functionality in the future. I didn’t like the sound of this:
You cannot choose Sub-directory Install If your existing WordPress installation has been set up for more than a month, due to issues with existing permalinks.
Alas, I guess I’ll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it.
Next challenge: removing the multisite option without bothering with a whole new installation. I may be back in these forums shortly with more questions.
What I didn’t find online (though it may be there, I just didn’t see it) is that it does indeed take a different type of subscription, a VPS (Virtual Private Server). It costs about $15 a month, according to this website:
That should only aply if you wanted subdomains, though I woudl not be surprised if they added some script to the server to muck up anyone trying to set up sobfolders as well. Cuz it can be more resource intensive because you’re adding new blogs.
The good news for you though, is you can really set this up any time.
FYI, you can’t choose it, but you CAN switch to it ?? It’s a one line change, but it’s not permitted out of the box so that only people who can understand they MIGHT goober permalinks make the change. Sort of a way to protect you from yourself.
I’ve just experienced the looping problem and was using the domain mapping plugin on a WP Network setup.
What solved it is to map the domain name even if it’s already the main domain for the account.I registered and mapped, but didn’t want to leave it like that because some plugins use the main URL instead of the mapped one.
So, I changed the main one to and removed the mapped one.
At that point, it’s only possible to log into WordPress from the main dashboard, with the main account.
Mapping to and marking it as the primary domain solved the problem.Just documenting in case it helps someone else.
I have the same problem, and I can’t seem to solve it. It’s a fresh install, I removed /wp-admin/install.php and installed domain mapping with the right settings..
I fixed it by reverting the ‘original’ domain in the site’s settings back from ‘’ to ‘’ but that causes all the files etc to be shown as, which I really don’t want.
I wasn’t able to fix that with domain mapping so I really want to go back to using the as the site’s base url.. any ideas?
Did you check the “use remote login” ticky box under the domain mapping settings?
I’ve tried that, but when I use it while setting the site to that url stills shows up in the sourcecode. When I set the site to I get the redirect error.
My domain mapping settings:
Remote Login –Check
Permanent redirect (better for your blogger’s pagerank) –Check
User domain mapping page –Nope
Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled) –Check
Disable primary domain check. Sites will not redirect to one domain name. May cause duplicate content issues. –NopeAnd of course in domains settings I have added to the corresponding site id as a primary domain.
Ah, I found the problem. Apparently, my cookies are set at (I force www, maybe it’s time to stop doing that).
Also, the path in there is /wpmu/, the folder in which my wordpress install is located. I have a htaccess rule that hides that path from my urls, and I’ve edited the wordpress htaccess and wp-config to reflect that (in other words, changed the path back to ‘/’) but apparently the old path is still added to the cookie. Anyone know how to circumvent this?
Sorry for the multiple posts, I couldn’t edit the one above anymore.. Anyway, I removed www and the problem still exists, so I think the problem is either in the path or something else completely. Any help is welcome.
If you’re trying to hide the folder it’s installed in, that’s why. you can’t do that successfully.
Also it’s not wpmu any more.
I know, that’s just an old folder. But still, I don’t want to install in the root and I don’t want my domain names to have a /wordpress/ or whatever folder in the url.. so my best guess was to rewrite the url. Any better ideas?
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