• My server timed out during an upgrade from 2.9.2 to 3.0.1 using the WPAU plugin and never completed some procedure.

    Now when I try visiting my Admin panel, I get continuous redirects to /wp-admin/&reauth=1 and Error 404s.

    This is similar, I think to the thread at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/continuous-redirects-to-wp-adminampreauth1?replies=36 (continuous redirects to /wp-admin/&reauth=1), except that my installation is not multisite related. (I had initially responded to that post but then realized it should be in this section of the forum because it relates to an individual site).

    My website is waitiki7.com; the admin panel should be located at waitiki7.com/W7/wp-admin; and my host is ApolloHosting, running PHP 5.2.12 and MySQL 5.0.45.

    So far I have done the following things:
    1. Backed up
    2. Replaced core files—completely deleting old ones before uploading the new (3.0.1)
    3. Deactivated plugins folder
    4. CHMOD’d /wp-admin/, /wp-content/, and /wp-includes/ to 755
    5. Deleted my .htaccess file
    6. Cleared my browser caches…
    7. Going into phpMyAdmin to verifying that siteurl within the MySQL table wp_options is correct. (It was)
    8. Adding the lines


    to wp-config.php —nothing happened, so I deleted them again.
    9. Deleted install.php from the /wp-admin/ directory.

    Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been reading forums for hours now and have not come across a solution.

    Many, many thanks in advance.

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  • Having nearly exactly the same issue as above, however the difference is that mine is a brand new install of WP.

    I was convinced I had done it all wrong, and after following the same steps PHF has gone through (and looking through these support forums for extra knicknacks – how many times have I read Clear Cache, try different browser?) I’m still seeing the same error.

    Given everything that has been done, I’ve got a few theories, but my inexperience comes to the fore with this, and wouldn’t mind someone to doublecheck this code. The only part of the config i’m not sure about;

    define('WP_SITEURL', 'https://frosty.id.au/wordpress');
    define('WP_HOME', 'https://frosty.id.au/wordpress');
    define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://frosty.id.au/wordpress/wp-content');
    define('AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 160 );  // seconds
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'www.frosty.id.au/wordpress');

    where https:// is my prefered, and /public_html/wordpress is the installed folder (I was initially trying to do it in the root, but have given up on that for now until I can actually get it working.)

    By the sounds of things, it’ll be that Cookie domain is wrong, but I’ve tried a few other configurations of that line and still can’t get it. Always the same issue;


    After typing in credentials and pressing login;


    And I’m stumped. I’m nearly sure it’s not the host, and the file permissions are correct, I’m just thinking i’ve made a clerical error in the wp-config.php. Help would be greatly appreciated.

    Aha!! I think I’ve got it – one of two things.
    -> Either, i had the define for cookies wrong, so i just deleted it.
    -> I also realised that at some stage throughout all of my revisions I’d deleted the trailing ?> at the end of my config. It now works.

    PHF, it took about 30 minutes of going over every individual string in my config, but I got there. Have another look, go over it slowly and you will be rewarded

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