Hi @rqcmt ,
From what I understand, you would like to disable the automatic “Completed” order email from being sent under certain conditions, correct?
Depending on the conditions you would like to set, it may be possible to achieve this by adding a custom order status, and setting the condition for that order status.
Looking at the Custom Order Status extension, it mentioned the following:
“With Order Statuses Manager, you can automatically assign custom statuses to orders based on various conditions. You can create multiple automation rules to assign different statuses to different orders based on various conditions like user roles, order amounts, quantities, and more.“
You can read more about the features of this extension here, as well as the installation and configuration here.
Additionally, you can read more about Email notifications related to custom statuses created with this extension, here.
If this is along the lines of what you are looking to implement on your site, I’d suggest reaching out to us directly at WooCommerce.com > My Account > Support for any pre-sales related queries. You will need to create an account to access that page, if you do not have one already.
Additionally, WooCommerce.com offers a 30-day refund policy which you can take advantage of, allowing you to test the extension, and make sure that it is what you are looking for.
I hope this helps point you in the right direction!