• I’m just curious about a couple of things.

    Does the automated routine in WP basically crop thumbnails (when you have this option checked) from the dead center of the image in order to grab the thumbnail image?

    Do you have any control over what it is doing?

    Is there any particular reason a user can’t just say – “display all my images as thumbnails with a height of 150px. Don’t crop and don’t stretch the original images. Just make them so that the height is 150px so I don’t have to generate these on my own”.


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  • No it doesn’t.

    It scales them, as I told you in your other post on this subject.

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hey. Thanks. I think I’m getting this nailed down with your help.

    I think the deal is that you have an option to either have the thumbnail stretched or you have an option to have it cropped.

    In one it gets proportionally changed and in the other parts of the original image get left out. At least in F8 Static theme this is what happens because the thumbnail image is set at 150px wide by 310 high.

    I was wondering if there was a tweak that would let you control what area was getting cropped…

    No, it should scale proportionately.

    Did you put the code I gave you in the functions.php ?

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi. Thanks.

    Are you talking about the images in the post itself or are you talking about the thumbnails that get shown when you click on a Category and WP shows you all the posts in that Category?

    – Jon

    Never mind jon

    Thread Starter formpig


    Hey Man.

    Sorry if this is aggravating. I haven’t been having much fun with it.

    My impression was that you made a suggestion to change the php code to manipulate the size of the post images in a global way.

    My understanding is that you are manually changing the size of each thumbnail and then re-loading these in some manner so that these manually sized thumbnail images are then used by wordpress in some way.

    I can’t say that I find any of this particularly straightforward but I do appreciate your previous help in helping me straightening it out.



    Did you know that you can click on Media/Library then click on Edit for one of the images, and then set the aspect ration where it says “Scale Image”?

    1:1 will scale it proportionately, and you can select to apply that to either of…

    • All image sizes
    • Thumbnail
    • All sizes except thumbnail


    Thread Starter formpig


    Hi Thanks very much.

    I will try this for a thumbnail and run regen thumbnails and see if I can get the thumbnail to display as 1:1. My impression from the mods’ help is that I have to go and edit the thumbnail separately – as you suggested earlier – and then upload a dedicated thumbnail to prevent wp from stretching or cropping thumbnails.

    This is a nice feature which I have not used however. Can I please ask you how this feature is different from the Edit Post > Click on the SLIDE icon functionality?

    The former allows you to scale an image proportionally (i.e. 1:1) and the latter lets you scale an image percentage-wise (i.e. 80%)? I mean are these two areas both editing the same image just in slightly different ways?

    Thanks very much for the help,


    A percentage is applied to both width and height.

    When you set a ratio, the previous statement is only true if that ratio is 1:1

    If you were to set a ratio of 1:2 then you would have a percentage, whatever it is, applied to width, and twice that applied to height.

    Thread Starter formpig


    thanks very much for the help.

    hopefully I’ll nail it down with a little help from my friends.

    cheers. thanks.

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