contructive criticism.
I’ve been working on my site, for the past couple of weeks and I have it almost right. Let’s hear your thoughts, and maybe how I can make it better.
I am sure though that whatever he wrote pales in comparison to a good deal of whats been posted here of late.
whoami :: You said you didn’t see what he wrote, though… so do you have some powers we don’t know about? ??
niziol :: Every now and then I get content moderated too… it just reminds me that I like to type (that’s why we blog) and that sometimes, because we’re not perfect, we may go off a little… ?? Don’t take offense, unless you think you’re perfect. ?? Even if the recipient is cool with it the recipient isn’t a moderator. ??
No but I do know what else Ive seen here…
No matter.
vkaryl: Whether you are right or wrong or I am right or wrong or who should feel embarrassed about what is not the point. The point is that you do not get to judge what is relevant or irrelevant anymore than I do. WordPress, the internet as a whole exists because all people, regardless of whether you may or may not agree with their views or lifestyle choices or views on those lifestyle choices, have the inalienable right to express their opinion. It is left to those who read that opinion to make their own decisions about it, it is not a decision to be made by anyone other than the reader.
Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. -Voltaire
Shall I even bother to point out the hypocrisy in applying your censorship to my criticism, yet freely stating: “Were I the author, I’d be embarrassed to have anyone else read it, but that’s just me….??. If your true convictions where against these “attacks?? then you would apply those convictions to yourself.
Please do the right thing, whether you agree with me or not, whether you despise me or not, it is not up to any of us to decide what someone else should read or should not. Either restore my posting or remove it and all reference to it in its entirety.
I don’t think vkaryl is against freedom of speech/opinion but rather making a point that the purpose of this forum is to review and make suggestions for the art and designs contained in WordPress sites. As you can see, for good reason. This topic seems to have run away from what I initially had in mind.
My rights are being trampled!
oh wait. wrong thread. Carry on.
(oh hey, I like the OP’s theme, by the way.)
hahah, well the lesson learned is that the Internet is not a democracy, and it never has been.
No offense, niziol, I’m family ??
WarAxe: nobody is perfect, least of all me, but that is the point. No one is perfect, no one is omnipotent, no person should determine the thoughts, views or ideas that another person can have, hold or contemplate.
Blogging Without Borders just hit Version 2.0, and continues to fight censorship around the world. One of the best uses of Drupal I’ve seen, and the first I know in terms of “citizen media?? which is starting to get hype these days around things like Bayosphere.
–Matthew MullenwegCensorship violates the very ideals of what WordPress is meant to proliferate and the very freedom that allows WordPress to even exist, the same freedom that allows Vicki to hold her views about my post.
Please restore my post to its original or if you must, censor my post in its entirety and all references thereto.
mycoo62: Of course this thread has run off, I’m sure we all know how successful the Inquisition was in stamping out heresy or even as the more you tell a child not to do something, the more determined they become to do it. The more you make it an issue, the more of one it becomes. If my post had be left as-is, I’m sure this thread would still be on topic.
IF those who “run” the system here want the post returned to its “pristine” state, there are a couple of options:
1. I’m not the only one with the pieces-parts.
2. Archive for posterity:
For the record: I do not believe a forum situation such as this one runs on either democracy or freedom of speech. Some of one’s “rights” get abrogated in order to do as little damage to the overall communal effort as possible.
The sort of thing I moderated belongs on an individual blog, not on this forum.
In the interests of preventing further distraction from attempting to assist other users, I am reposting my original post below. Whether you hold the belief that it is pristine or it is in bad-taste, it is not profane, it does not divulge any information which is not accessible prior to it’s posting and it will end my need to continue to reply to this thread. If a community does not have open access, it can not share, it can not grow and it can not be a community. The communal entity that is WordPress can not exist without the free exchange of ideas, opinions and rebuttals, the good and the bad, sharing is what makes this a communal effort.
* * *
How to make your site better you ask? You can get rid of your homophobic garbage for starters. “You’re Gay”, “Brandon Likes Boys”, I won’t even bother calling you a twat, as I doubt you know what it means.Now, because you are such a low-brow, I’ll give you this little bit of information to reflect upon: homophobia very often is “internalized homophobia” meaning it is a homosexual persons hatred for themselves and others persons of the same orientation that causes the homophobic individual to be homophobic.
What does it all mean you ask? It means that a majority of homosexual persons will go through a period of extreme homophobic behaviour, during which they will go very out of their way to display their homophobic behaviour as a vain, futile attempt to convince themselves and others that they are not gay. Basically: it is highly probably that people who are outwardly homophobic, such as yourself, are actually homosexual themselves and can not accept it.
The following quote from Hamlet is somewhat fitting I think:
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
-William ShakespeareCheers,
* * *ROFL – calling someone a twat isn’t profane! Sweet, Monday’s gonna be a hoot.
The communal entity that is WordPress can not exist without the free exchange of ideas
That’s empty rhetorics. The place for “free exchange of ideas” is your blog and the OP’s blog. Please, take the discussion there.
This is not a “general” forum = discussion board. It is for support regarding technical issues related to WP.
Anything else does not belong here. It is that simple.I would add that WordPress is not a “communal entity,” it is a weblogging tool.
There is a WordPress community, but that should not be entangled with issues of “free and open expression” within these forums, which are first and foremost intended for supporting and helping this community. Anything getting in the way of that goal should be taken off the forums.
<cents value=”2″>
<cents value=”2″>
Can I steal that? Thats classic ??
<cents value=”2″>Can I steal that? Thats classic ??
I just GPL’ed it.
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