• Resolved fernando1991


    I don’t quite understand how to configure this part:

    [moowoodle cohort=”” group=”” course=”” class=”moowoodle” target=”_self” authtext=”” activity=”0″][/moowoodle]

    I think I should put data of my course but I don’t know what it is.

    The emails arrive like this:

    Username : fernando.sanchez

    Password : 1Admin@23

    You are enrolled in activity=”0″]curso 01 prueba moodle[/moowoodle] — (The link to the course is not generated)

    As I understand, the link to the course must arrive and in this way the registration is generated, nor are the users generated in moodle, can this be the reason?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Dear Farnando,

    Please change all fields like a cohort , group, course according to your moodle settings. These are IDs from moodle settings.

    Ex: [moowoodle cohort=”cohortid” group=”groupid” course=”courseid” class=”moowoodle” target=”_self” authtext=”” activity=”0″][/moowoodle]

    With data:
    [moowoodle cohort=”c2″ group=”g1″ course=”3″ class=”moowoodle” target=”_self” authtext=”” activity=”0″][/moowoodle]

    Hello! Thanks for the plugin, it is very useful! I have the same doubt and I apologize for my ignorance. Can you help me a little more with the configuration:

    [moowoodle cohort = “” group = “” course = “” class = “moowoodle” target = “_ self” authtext = “” activity = “0”] [/ moowoodle]

    Where do I get the data to fill in the above configuration information?

    Thank you very much!

    Dear @christopherwayne
    The data is from your Moodle course configuration.

    You will find your course id in the Course_settings.

    When you are inside a course, please click edit settings. You will find your course ID there.

    Similarly, if you will find your group id and cohort ID if you have created one in the group settings and cohort settings respectively.

    Please fill the double quotes only if you have set those settings for the course enrolment.

    The course ID is mandatory.

    Thank you.

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