• gvtexas


    Whenever a comment contains three consecutive exclamation marks (!!!), they’re being converted to this:
    <img src="!" alt="" border="0" />

    Lovely. Xenu is reporting a lot of dead links trying to find

    What’s causing this? I use Textile1, but didn’t find anything there. Must be something in WP 1.5 code that’s converting a triple ! into a nuisance.


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  • Thread Starter gvtexas


    Can someone at least try this and confirm it’s a WP bug?

    It’s frustrating to post problems here and never get answers…this is the third major quirk I’ve posted (and searched) on with nary an answer…beginning to think I may have to find something else to use for client blogs due to the bugginess.



    I just tried it on my site and i just get the 3 exclamation marks but i don’t use textile

    Thread Starter gvtexas


    Thanks, ptaylor, that’s it. Textile inserts a url for anything bounded by exclamation marks…a really dumb shortcut, since commenters frequently will do this!!!! sort of thing. I had over 50 such img calls in my comments.

    Guess I’ll have to turn off Textile permanently.



    Either that, or make a note on your Comments form telling them not to use more than two exclamation marks.



    But ptaylor just wrote he is not using textile… so the problem comes from somewhere else.



    P.S. I should read more carefully… ??
    I checked and without textile1 activated the 3 exclamation marks show up normally (as for ptaylor), but if I activate textile, it will produce the false img src code.
    Talk to the textile ppl…

    Thread Starter gvtexas


    I’ve done so, moshu, so we’ll see. I even tried hacking the textile1.php, but I’m not familiar with what characters would be usable and not reserved. My couple of attempts errored out, since I was obviously using characters that mean something else.

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