• Hi,

    I’m working on this site: https://www.thedreamercomic.com it has popup windows and a few other javascript related functions.

    Basically what I’d like to do is have everything stay the same, except that on the homepage underneath the “What is the Dreamer” image, there would be a blog. I understand that there are posts about html and pasting code, but how does that work with the code in my header? It’s currently designed with xhtml and css.

    Is there any easy way to just copy/paste the code, or will I need to delve into some php to make this site look identical with the blog added?

    I know xhtml and css (I designed and coded the site).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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  • There’s no reason why you couldn’t modify an existing WordPress theme to look exactly like this, or create a theme from scratch.

    Any code you have in your header could go in a WordPress header. I’d suggest you change the entire site over to WordPress. Your horizontal navigation links would point to Pages, for example, rather than static html pages. It wouldn’t be technically difficult to do all this, although of course there would be a lot to learn about how WordPress works.

    I’d suggest modifying an existing theme as the easiest way to go about this.

    I like the flag of the Continental Army in the background.

    One thing that’s maybe useful to know is that you can install WordPress in the root of your site as long as you set up an htaccess rule that makes html files have priority over php files. That way visitors will continue to see the current html index page even though there’s also a draft php index file in the root. This means that once your editing of the theme is complete you just have to remove or rename the old html file and visitors will start seeing the new site. That’s much easier than creating the new site in a separate directory and then having to move it.

    Thread Starter sojourn78


    Thank you very much! I’ve been trying to read like crazy, but in all honesty those documents can get a little overwhelming to read, especially since I’m new to PHP and the inner workings of blog CMS. I will try experimenting with an existing theme, and see what I can learn. If I can successfully recreate this in wordpress, I will definitely make the switch. Thanks again!

    PS If you or anybody else has any more suggestions or tips on how to make this a smoother/quicker process, I would greatly appreciate it!

    Thread Starter sojourn78


    I’m also impressed that you recognized that the flag was/is the continental army flag. Lots of people think its the british flag at first! This might also be due to the fact that the guy is in british military uniform (but he’s really just in disguise).

    : )

    Well, I’m not American, therefore I know *something* about American history ??

    More seriously, you might want to start by looking through the one column themes — https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Theme_List/One_Column — and see which ones look close to your current design in layout and are simple enough to be adaptable. At this stage too much background reading may be confusing because what you read may not be relevant to what you need to accomplish, and it can be easier to learn by doing than reading.

    Anyway, if you have any specific questions that crop up don’t hesitate to ask.

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