• Ok this is my site TheConcertCruier.com and I am trying to post my interview in my Interviews from the pit section but they appear in the Update section. Someone said the Interview page was a static page so how do I turn it from a static page to a page where I can make posts and not loose the previous post?

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  • Thread Starter ConcertCruizer


    Wait so the pages I created are all STATIC PAGES accept for the Update Section?

    Yes, if they are listed under “Pages” screen in the dashboard, they are static pages. I think this was the confusion ?? ?

    Thread Starter ConcertCruizer


    Ok im back, is there anyway to get my interview from the pit section to appear in my header? TheConcertCruizer.com

    Yes, I explained it above –

    Right – so your category posts WON’T show up on a static page… if you want this https://theconcertcruizer.com/interviews-from-the-pit/ to show up on a category page (not static page), you need to copy that text into a new post and give it the category you want.

    You also need to delete that static page from the menu and ADD a category menu item instead – on the menus screen, look towards the bottom of the left column – see the “Categories” box – make a check mark by the category you want to add to the menu – then click “add to menu” It will show up in the menu box on the right side.

    Then all posts with that category will show up on that catogory page (not as in static page).

    It’s confusing because “page” has two meanings in WP – but they are VERY different.

    Also see: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Appearance_Menus_Screen#Categories

    Or if you want the posts on the static page, this plugin may do that:


    Thread Starter ConcertCruizer


    Ok I think I am getting the hang of this but, please stand by just in case.

    Thread Starter ConcertCruizer


    Should I re-install my plug-ins?

    Why? I don’t see a category item in your menu…

    Are these your category posts that you want in the menu?


    To add a category item to the menu, you need to go to the menu screen:

    Appearance > Menu

    Do you have menu created in the right side box there?

    If not, create one – name it anything.

    Then in the Theme Locations pull down menu on the left column – select that menu.

    Then you can select which pages go in the menu and lower down in that left column there is a box called Categories

    In the Categories box you will see the different categories you have made.

    Click the boxes for the ones you want to show up in your menu. Click Add to Menu – now they should show up in the menu box on the right side.

    Click save menu.

    Now your page should have that category item in the menu?

    Thread Starter ConcertCruizer


    Ok I want to post some more photo BUT I want to have lined up so that there in a row of 5, going from left to right, and no gaps in between but I cant remember how to do that.

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