My website uses the Cookie _wp_sessions is that cookie from your Plugin
is your Plugin DSGVO conform?
When you use the aiowps plugin, no personal data is collected by me or co-contributers as a result of you using this plugin.
However, you as the owner of your website may be collecting personal data via a combination of plugins and other functionality on your site. Hence you will need to carefully assess the GDPR compliance obligations that you as a webmaster need to meet.
This plugin does capture IP addresses.
The IP address information which is captured is used purely for fraud prevention and security purposes and to mitigate against malicious actions on your site.
This information is stored on YOUR server and nothing is sent to us.
If you don’t want any IP addresses to be captured you should turn off the security features. But if you do that you will then have no security and your site will be vulnerable.
So you as the site owner need to make that call.