If you activate the weather data or geo data feature, a cookie named gtm4wp_last_weatherstatus will be created to see what has happened while querying the external services. Nothing personal or indirectly personal data is stored in this cookie and it will not be created if you do not activate this plugin feature.
If you activate tracking new user registrations, a gtm4wp_user_logged_in cookie will be created temporarily with a fixed value of 1 to be able to track this event. This cookie is erased on the next pageload.
The same behavior is required if you activate tracking of new user registrations, here a cookie named gtm4wp_user_registered is being used.
If you are using WooCommerce and activate enhanced ecommerce tracking, a temporarily cookie will be created if a user re-adds a product to the cart using the link on the cart page: gtm4wp_product_readded_to_cart – it includes a hashed key to the recently removed cart item