I don’t recall the one working on my website now being based too much on jQuery? I will have to take a closer look at its coding then.
** But the Analog JQuery clock (divs) and the Old School clock (ul+li) on seem to be doing what you are thinking about ?? **
So are you saying the one that operates within “div”-tags seems to be working for you in IE?
Funny thing is, my website main is DOCTYPEd “XHTML 1.0”, yet FireFox STILL renders it properly within a “CANVAS”-tag! This is very strange indeed! I know FireFox (from versions 10.0 and newer) have a few other bugs that have crept in, and have not been resolved YET.
I might check out a few other variations to see what works the cleanest and, hopefully, on all the available browsers. I haven’t used IE in so long because I don’t like the fact that it still has gaping security holes in it. So I couldn’t help you much further on issues of IE-compatibility.
I’ll have to check out the jQuery version of it as I am getting interested in jQuery, myself.
I’ll try and find out some other things that may be some help!
– “Cheers!”
– Jim