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  • Thread Starter leejosepho


    And if that does not make a difference, please try this:
    1. Disable the plugin and
    2. Paste the following in a text widget:

    The older plugin works as I had described, but the text pasted into the widget did not show a clock in IE8. So, the older version is the one presently installed and activated.

    Funny how exactly that one does not show in my old XP/IE8 … O, how I hate IE !

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    But like a familiar old pair of shoes, we each still have one or two…

    Haha, sorry. Did not mean to P on your shoes ??

    Any thoughts on the fact that “Coolclock” uses the <canvas> tag which is an HTML 5.0 innovation?

    IE 8/9 do not render much in HTML 5.0 because they were out in the market before HTML 5.0 a “working standard” ( as they say in the W3C ).

    If someone were to try to get it to work within a different tag that IS common with IE, that might be the only “fix” for it.

    I use the Coolclock widget on my own website ( just the “copy and pasted” code, not the WP-plug-in ) and have noticed the incompatibility issue too!

    I hope this gives you a little more info. ( I have quite a bit of HTML and JavaScript experience. )

    – Dragon’s Eye

    Hey Dragons Eye, thanks for joining in ??

    It’s a confusing topic since the plugin uses the latest version (already almost 3 years old) of Googles excanvas.js to make IE work with canvas through VML. The excanvas.js version used on the CoolClock demo site is even older… But there still remain some very tricky issues that seem to re-appear each time another one gets ‘fixed’ (read: worked-around).

    Are you saying that even IE 9 does not render the CoolClock correctly? It is said to support a basic canvas but that might not be enough… Are you using excanvas.js with the CoolClock on your site?

    I’ll be testing with the younger flashcanvas.js alternative soon to see if that makes IE behave better but since I don’t have IE other than on an old XP/IE8 machine to test with, I’d appreciate any input, experiences or test results ??

    I am actually using the CoolClock script set that is currently available on that site. This one is not a WordPress plug-in because my site was not created with WordPress, originally.

    If it is any help, my lady has found another site that has a JQuery version of the CoolClock that is more style-able and is said to work on more browsrers.

    Try here.

    Maybe you might find a solution with this one?

    Just a thought.

    I wonder if a different container, like DIV, can be used in place of CANVAS? That is one idea I have been “toying” with.

    – Jim

    Hi Jim, that link to CoolClock in jQuery is actually the very same CoolClock script as you’ll notice that following Read more or Demo will land you on the page… But the Analog JQuery clock (divs) and the Old School clock (ul+li) on seem to be doing what you are thinking about ??


    I don’t recall the one working on my website now being based too much on jQuery? I will have to take a closer look at its coding then.

    ** But the Analog JQuery clock (divs) and the Old School clock (ul+li) on seem to be doing what you are thinking about ?? **

    So are you saying the one that operates within “div”-tags seems to be working for you in IE?

    Funny thing is, my website main is DOCTYPEd “XHTML 1.0”, yet FireFox STILL renders it properly within a “CANVAS”-tag! This is very strange indeed! I know FireFox (from versions 10.0 and newer) have a few other bugs that have crept in, and have not been resolved YET.

    I might check out a few other variations to see what works the cleanest and, hopefully, on all the available browsers. I haven’t used IE in so long because I don’t like the fact that it still has gaping security holes in it. So I couldn’t help you much further on issues of IE-compatibility.

    I’ll have to check out the jQuery version of it as I am getting interested in jQuery, myself.

    I’ll try and find out some other things that may be some help!

    – “Cheers!”

    – Jim

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