• Hi Guys, I need ur help.
    I am a newbie,actually I just have no idea about these stuffs but I need to learn anyway.
    So, Could anyone explain me about the 3rd part of this instructions below..?
    I was about to make image slider and put it in my homepage.
    I have done step number 2 (editor–> header.php)but I couldn’t proceed bcause I just have no idea with the step number 3.
    (I’m using notepad++)..

    here is the link.

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  • After Step 2, an HTML code will be generated in the software. The one that starts with: <script type=

    Click on “Copy the code”.

    Now I will assume you have cPanel for your website. So login to your website control panel, go to File Manager.

    Browse to wp-contents > themes > your theme > header.php

    Open header.php and PASTE the code you copied earlier, paste it after <head>.

    Save your header.php and goto step 4.

    You can use FTP manager if you dont have cpanel.

    Step 4:
    You copy the second code generated from the software which starts with: <!–begin…etc

    Once again, using cPanel or FTP manager, browse to your website theme, choose the file where you want the code to show up and paste the second code there. Example: footer.php if you want the slider to show up in the footer.

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