Please note that no theme looks the same after installation and activate like its demo website.
To install demo content please follow the instructions in user manual https://www.webmandesign.eu/manual/auberge/#install-demo (please go through the whole theme user manual for more info on theme usage/setup).
Please note that you will also need to add widgets into widget areas to your needs and reset the positions of condensed posts and food menu section via Appearance > Customize > Theme > Layout on homepage to get the exact layout of theme demo website (also, set up the static homepage).
For the list of plugins used on theme demo website please read https://themedemos.webmandesign.eu/auberge/about-auberge/
You can also use Beaver Builder page builder plugin to create complex page layouts.
If you have any further questions, please try to search the support forum at https://support.webmandesign.eu/forums/forum/auberge/
You can change the accent color via theme customizer. If you want to make the background of the text over the front page banner transparent, use a custom CSS:
.site-banner-header .highlight { background: transparent; }
.site-banner-header .highlight::before,
.site-banner-header .highlight::after { display: none; }