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  • Plugin Author MagicStick


    Not at the moment unfortunately. It’s on the todo list. ??

    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Just added support for categories skarck. Full taxonomy support coming soon!

    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Full taxonomy support now in v0.9!


    I have several custom post types with custom taxonomies and even with the V0.9 of your (awesome) plugin, the custom taxonomies don’t get duplicated.

    Can you help me understand why?

    Thank you.


    Plugin Author MagicStick


    I would check the following first:

    1. Do you have ‘copy taxonomy’ setting checked in the plugin settings?
    2. The custom taxonomy has to be registered (code in functions.php?) in both the source and destination site for the taxonomy terms to show?

    How this helps!


    Thank you for your quick response.
    1.Yes, the copy taxonomy setting is checked in the plugin settings.
    2. What do you mean by custom taxonomy has to be registered in both sites in function.php? It is a multisite installation, I only have one function.php.
    Here’s the code for registering my taxonomy ‘metier’ for the custom post type ‘reference’ :

    register_taxonomy( 'metier', 'reference', array( 'hierarchical' => true, 'label' => 'Métier', 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => true ) );

    Maybe there’s something wrong here?

    Thanks a lot.


    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Yeah you’re right mlle. The reason I ask is because a lot of of people use plugins to register Post Types and taxonomies in which case they have to make sure they have similar plugin settings across their network. But if you are using functions.php to register them you get a big thumbs up from me.

    Not sure what could be happening here. If you are comfortable with checking the database I would check to see if the terms have been copied over to the destination site tables. Otherwise the only thing I can think would be that the destination post type has been set up not to support taxonomies?

    I just found the solution and it had nothing to do with you plugin! It was a capability issue with the editor role. Silly me…

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again for your help.


    Plugin Author MagicStick


    Not at all. Glad you got it sorted mate.

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