• Hi

    Hopefully this is in the right place. Apologies if not. I have found a site (powered by www.ads-software.com) listing my ebook for download. My book was published in January so this is obviously a copyright infringement. I have contacted the site who haven’t replied, and Google who have. Google said a couple of days ago that access to the site would be blocked but it’s still up. I can supply a link to the site, to my publisher and to any legit sites such as Amazon where the book can be bought.

    Any help would be appreciated. According to the figures on the site, it looks like my book has downloaded quite a lot so I’m pretty annoyed about it.


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  • You’ll have to contact their hosts. www.ads-software.com only provides the software and isn’t responsible for what people do with it.

    Thread Starter LukeWalker77


    Cheers. I did so a few days back (and again this afternoon). No reply from them. Was hoping there was something else I could do other than being annoyed and playing the waiting game.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    There’s the ‘get a lawyer’ part.

    WordPress is free to use for whatever you want, even things that can be illegal, because there are no restrictions, by Automattic, WP or anyone else related, on how we use it. The law being the law is another matter.

    Thread Starter LukeWalker77


    Thanks for the suggestion. I’d get a lawyer if I could afford one. I’ve contacted the site and Google again. Hoping that sorts if permanently.

    You can also try the hosting provider since this most likely is a violation of the provider’s TOS.

    It’s my experience that hosting providers will usually politely decline to get involved with this unless you have some serious legal muscle. This article has some useful information on copyright issues: https://lorelle.wordpress.com/2006/04/10/what-do-you-do-when-someone-steals-your-content/

    Thread Starter LukeWalker77


    Yeah, I went to the host as there’s nowhere on the site to comment or contact. The comment link goes nowhere, and there don’t appear to be any comments on any other books. Still waiting to hear from Google and the host.

    Thanks for the article link. Depressing to think nobody wants to get involved and so something direct about it.

    Try doing a lookup on the domain name’s owner. That might provide you with some contact details.

    Thread Starter LukeWalker77


    I checked whois for the details and got quite a bit of info. It’s a case now of working through it and getting a name.

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