• MT has a nifty plugin that reads the date of one’s first and last post and creates a copyright span, e.g., (c)2001-2004 – automatically via an MT tag.
    Are there any plugins for WP that will provide the same function?

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  • Not that I’ve seen, and it doesn’t really matter anyway:
    10 Big Myths about copyright explained

    Hi gvtexas,
    Wouldn’t be hard to write one.
    Give me a few minutes and I’ll see what I can put together.
    Much warmth,

    podz’ insightful comment notwishstanding, if you still wish to display this information, the following plugin might do the trick.
    Save the following into a file called copyrightspan.php in your /wp-content/plugins/ folder.
    Plugin Name: Display Copyright Span
    Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/#
    Description: This plugin displays a copyright notice including the year of the first and last post
    Author: planetthoughtful
    Author URI: https://www.planetthoughtful.org
    function display_copyright_span(){
    global $wpdb;
    $pretext = "Copyright &copy; myname ";
    $postext = "";
    $firstdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(post_date)) FROM wp_posts");
    $lastdate = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(post_date)) FROM wp_posts");
    echo $pretext.date("Y", $firstdate)."-".date("Y",$lastdate).$postext;

    Edit the values in $pretext (and optionally $postext, if you have text you wish to appear after the year range) and save.
    Activate the plugin and then in your index.php file, include the following where you want to display your copyright notice:
    <?php display_copyright_span(); ?>
    And that’s it.
    Let me know if you experience any problems with it.
    Much warmth,

    Moderator James Huff


    You could also just add the copyright info into your footer via editing index.php .

    i built a quicktag to use for posting purposes – one for the image style, and one for the text string and format:
    <img style="padding: 12px; border: 1px solid #222; background-color: #fff;" src="xxx" alt="xxx" />
    <span style=" font: italic .8em verdana, sans-serif; color:#666">(from the xxx collection &copy; 2004 dkaye.com)</span>
    for each post, i simply fill in the “xxx”.
    for the page itself, i have an overall copyright disclaimer in the footer section.

    Hey, can I pile on the copyright bandwagon?!
    I wanted just a simple copyright notice to provide a range of years (first post year-current year), or the correct year when I’m on a single entry or archive page:

    Copyright © <?php
    if ($m) {
    echo substr($m, 0, 4);
    } else if ($year) {
    echo substr($year, 0, 4);
    } else if ($single) {
    echo substr($post->post_date, 0, 4);
    } else {
    echo "2002-".date('Y');
    Me me me!

    Hmmm. These other index pages, are they serving WP content, or ‘outside’ the WP application?
    I ask, because it seems like they’re not including activated plugins, which sounds like they’re agnostic to any plugins you’ve installed for WP, including the one I wrote for you above. Are any other plugins working as expected on these pages?
    It wouldn’t be difficult to tweak the plugin so you could explicitly include it in the pages that aren’t behaving properly (see below), though if the pages are not seeing installed plugins, I’m wondering if they can also see the preferred $wpdb database class, which I’ve made use of in the plugin.
    I’m going to assume that these pages can’t see the $wpdb class, so you’re going to have to edit some variables in this version to allow the plugin to access your database via PHP’s mysql extensions.
    Plugin Name: Display Copyright Span
    Plugin URI: https://www.ads-software.com/#
    Description: This plugin displays a copyright notice including the year of the first and last post
    Author: planetthoughtful
    Author URI: https://www.planetthoughtful.org
    function display_copyright_span(){
    $host = 'localhost'; // Should be okay to leave as is, but just in case
    $dbname = 'mydb'; // Edit for applicable db name
    $dbuser = 'myuser'; // Edit for applicable db user
    $dbuserpass = 'myuserpassword'; // Edit for applicable db user password
    $pretext = "Copyright &copy; myname ";
    $postext = "";

    @$db = mysql_pconnect("$host", "$dbuser", "$dbuserpass")
    or die("Error connecting to database with the following error message: ".mysql_error());
    $fsql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MIN(post_date)) as postdate FROM wp_posts";
    $fres = mysql_query($fsql);
    $fdat = mysql_fetch_object($fres);
    $lsql = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(post_date)) as postdate FROM wp_posts";
    $lres = mysql_query($lsql);
    $ldat = mysql_fetch_object($lres);
    echo $pretext.date("Y", $fdat->postdate)."-".date("Y",$ldat->postdate).$postext;
    Save the above in the same place you saved the last version of the plugin (see my the post for the original version above). Edit the $dbname, $dbuser and $dbuserpass variables to suit your database. Change the $pretext variable and optionally the $posttext variable (you’ll have to fix the ‘&copy;’ again — this is converted by the WP forum and I don’t know how to stop it from doing this).
    It should behave as it did before on your WP index page. On the other pages, include the following at or near the top of the page:
    <php include_once('../wp-content/plugins/copyrightspan.php'); ?>
    You may have to edit the path to the plugin in the line above, depending on exactly where your index pages are stored in your directory structure.
    Once this is done, the call to the plugin should work in these pages as it does in your WP index page.
    Let me know if this fixes or does not fix the problem.
    Much warmth,

    Thread Starter gvtexas


    Thanks for the rework, planetthoughtful.
    I first tested your new fix by itself and verified that it was reading mysql directly. But when I then tried to use the include for the footer on the pages that aren’t in the wp root, I received the same error again.
    The extra index pages are similar WP pages to the main one…they just handle post data differently (and I was too lazy to dig into how to pull what I wanted off within one template!). I’m using the GetCustom plugin on all pages and that works fine, but it’s not in an include on these other pages. Your activation code also works fine on these other pages, so long as I don’t include it in an include.
    That made me think I was perhaps calling the include incorrectly…and bingo. I had used std. url to include the footer.php instead of using the server path (as I had for other includes). That fixed the fatal error, whether using your original code or the direct-mysql code.
    So…my bad! on this one….
    Thanks for running this down though (and ultimately enabling me to find my syntax oops….). At least there’s now *two* ways to create a copyright statement!

    My pleasure, Gary. Nice to be able to help.
    Much warmth,

    why do u just do it manually in the footer, its not that hard. people are lazy :p



    You can just put the following code anywhere you want the copyright to appear (I suggest the footer) and it will always state the current year.
    Copyright © <?php echo date(“Y”) ;?> Your Name

    Moderator James Huff


    For maximum browser compatibility, enter &copy; for the copyright symbol, rather than your font’s copyright symbol.



    why do u just do it manually in the footer, its not that hard. people are lazy :p

    For the same reason you use wordpress instead of notepad. :p



    Or for an older blog:)
    Copyright ?? 1910-<?php echo date("Y") ;?> Your Name



    there is also a creative commens for copyright plugin..


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