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  • vkaryl


    Add “Copyright © 2006, Mikewhosis” in the footer….

    [and copyright is the right spelling, btw….]



    Copyright © 2006, Name Here. All Rights Reserved.

    Some realms use the name before the year and vice-versa, I don’t think it makes any difference in the end as it is all covered under the Berne Conventions and WIPO treaties, but for those who are very retentive about things like that, it makes use happy to have both options! And the All rights reserved is optional and can be anything from “No Rights Reservered” to “Some Rights Reserved” etc. The Creative Commons has some good info on copyrights and offers a variety of better copyright options which allowing fair-use and what-not.




    Also remember that copyright is implied. So even without a message, your original works are still copyright yourself. The message simply reminds people to back away slowly from the ctrl and c keys.



    mylagoon is correct, under the various treaties, copyright is inherently implied on all created works, however there are some variations from realm to realm with some of the rights and what-not that may be excluded or included, but I’m not sure how “copyright gestapo” you want to be with your content. Some Nations are more litigious than others, but really in the end, if someone is going to be a twat and steal copyrighted content, no amount of warnings will change it.

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