• Resolved rod


    When in the ‘integrations’ section of the form, I make the different form fields correspond with the Mailchimp merge tags and click save. The window flickers and stays as it is. When I close it and reclick the cog wheel to check the values, they weren’t saved. Can you help me find what is not working?

    I tested the form and received an email, but I have no entries on Mailchimp’s audience or contacts list.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter rod


    oops, sorry. I see a message in the submission register saying that the form wasn’t sent to mailchimp.

    Could it be that the fields need to have the exact same name in mailchimp as in the form?

    Thread Starter rod


    “Required Field Découverte not mapped yet to Forminator Form Field, Please check your Mailchimp Configuration on Form Settings”

    I checked it again and the fields mapping with mailchimp’s fields wasn’t saved. I remapped it and submitted another form entry and I get the same message.

    Thread Starter rod


    After disconnecting mailchimp and reconecting it, and remapping the fields, the form submission got a new message bellow “sent to mailchimp: no”

    “Failed to processing request : Your merge fields were invalid.”

    All the field types correspond to the same field type in Mailchimp: radio-button to radio-button, name with name, email with email and so on. I don’t understand.
    Can you point me to how to find what is bugging?

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @nomadarod

    I hope you’re well today and thank you for your question!

    The “merge fields were invalid” message means that field mapping is not quite correct. There are two things to check in such case:

    1) make sure that the fields that are set as required on Mailchimp end are also required in Forminator form

    2) and that the fields that are required in MailChimp actually do have corresponding form fields assigned rather than having them set to “none”.

    Additionally, you might want to double-check if the fields “types” are correct. This is rarely an issue but, for example, if the mailchimp field requires number and form uses select field such select field may have value set to a string rather than number and that would cause issues as well.

    Please start with that and let us know if you require further assistance with it.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter rod


    Hi Adam. Thanks for passing by. I hope you are doing good also.

    1) I verified several times if the fields required in Mailchimp corresponded to required fields in the form, and I still get the same error message.

    It seems that removing the ‘required’ from conditional fields (if they don’t show in the form then they don’t get filed in) made it that they weren’t expected on the mailchimp side – that was one of the error messages I was receiving.

    I also selected the “international” format for the phone number, even that there weren’t error messages for that, and it seems that wasn’t the issue.

    2) All the fields in mailchimp have a corresponding form field assigned in the form integrations wizard. Still the same message.

    Could you help me identify what is making it to not send the submissions to mailchimp?

    thanks for being there,

    Here is the form code

    Plugin Support Dimitris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello there @nomadarod

    I’d like to try to replicate this in a testing site of mine.

    Could you please export the form, upload it in a service like Dropbox/GDrive and share it here with us?

    Finally, please provide a screenshot of the “Audience fields and *|MERGE|* tags” on your Mailchimp account like below:

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter rod


    Thread Starter rod


    Hi Dimitris,
    Any ideas on what could be bugging and giving the error?

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @nomadarod

    Thank you for the Form.

    I made some tests on the form using some basic MailChimp fields and it worked fine.

    Could you please check your Dropdown values and make sure it matches the form values?


    You can also make those fields not required, remove the mapping and map one by one until finding which one wasn’t allowing the API to connect?

    Let us know the result you got.
    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter rod


    Hi Patrick, Thanks for passing by. I will test it.

    Meanwhile, I created another form, this time a contact form, and when trying to integrate it with Mailchimp it asks me to map Mailchimp’s required fields that I created to integrate with the “Inscriptions” form. I can not correspond them because they don’t match the fields of the contact form, but it doesn’t let me continue because they are set as required at Mailchimp.

    What can I do about this? Does it mean I can only integrate one form with Mailchimp?


    Thread Starter rod


    Ok, got a “sent to mailchimp: yes; Successfully added or updated member on Mailchimp list”.

    In order to arrive at it I made coincide the dropdown values with the form ‘values’ (instead of with the ‘text/label’ shown in each option); I did the same for the radio buttons values.
    I also removed required from the Number field since Mailchimp received “0” as not filled by the user.

    About the second form I created (contact form), when mapping the fields, the fields that are required on Mailchimp’s Audience will expect a corresponding field in the form. But this form doesn’t include the same fields as the Inscriptions form. How can I solve this?

    Plugin Support Predrag – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @nomadarod,

    Could you please provide us with some screenshots of the Mailchimp setup you’re having issues with and the current fields that you have in your form so we can better understand what exactly is asked for in MC?


    Thread Starter rod



    In the mailchimp fields on the left, I had to remove ‘required’ from the fields, or else there is an error when submitting the mapping of the fields in Forminator’s integrations. In the example above, the field “Ateliers” is part of the “Inscriptions” form, but it is not part of the “Contact” form. So, when mapping the Contact form with Mailchimp’s fields, I was forced to either assign it to something or to remove the ‘required’ from the Mailchimp’s Audience, Merge Tags page. Of course I removed the required from the Mailchimp’s fields since I don’t have any field in the Contact form to assign to ‘Ateliers’.

    It seems that we can assign only one form to one Mailchimp Audience, or that we need to simply remove the ‘required’ from the Mailchimp field if we want to use it in only one form but not on other forms. Did I get it right? I don’t think removing ‘required’ from the Mailchimp side could have any other implications, so that might solve it, as long as I can keep those fields ‘required’ in the Forminator side.


    Hi @nomadarod,

    Thank you for providing that information.

    You can assign more than one form to an Email list and be able to subscribe users to it from the different forms with the proper fields set. The key is to make sure the Mailchimp fields added under the Audience and merge tags matches the fields on the form so that data can be passed and received by Mailchimp. Under the scenario where you have a form that does not have the fields set in Mailchimp(as mentioned with the “Ateliers”), then in this case you can set it to not required, so it can be mapped properly on a different form that does not have this field set.

    For reference, you can check out our docs on the integration: https://premium.wpmudev.org/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator/#mailchimp

    Jonathan S

    Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @nomadarod ,

    We haven’t heard from you for a while now, so it looks like you no longer need our assistance.

    Please feel free to re-open this ticket if needed.

    kind regards,

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