• Emilie



    I have a compilation issue after upgrading the new Woocommerce version. My WP-admin is no more accessible. What is the solution? I have tried to reinstalled the plugin but I have still the same problem.

    Here is the error message :

    Impossible de compiler woocommerce.less : expected color value: failed at .vertical_gradient( lighten( @secondary, 2 ), @secondary ); /srv/data/web/vhosts/iav.e-marlie.com/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce.less on line 81

    Thanks for your help !


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  • timscullin


    I am having a similar issue.
    I uninstall the plugin and it’s fixed so if I downgrade I can get it working, but this is annoying:

    Could not compile woocommerce.less: parse error: failed at @subtext: #username; /SITEURL/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-base.less on line 13

    woocommerce-base looks like this, and if I change and save it then try to access the site it just reverts back:

    @primary:       #ad74a2;
    @primarytext:   desaturate(lighten(@primary,50%),18%);
    @secondary:     #f7f6f7;
    @secondarytext: desaturate(darken(@secondary,60%),18%);
    @highlight:     #85ad74;
    @highlightext:  desaturate(lighten(@highlight,60%),18%);
    @contentbg:     #ffffff;
    @subtext:       #username;


    ok I figured my issue out, somehow I had accidentally typed the username into the subtext style box:

    Turns out this will break the .less

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