• yassopicophd

    I’m testing WordPress on my own computer. I could not install it, and I kept getting this message:
    “Error establishing a database connection! This probably means that the connection information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect. Double check it and try again.”
    And yes, I double checked that everything was as it should be, except for one thing: adding the user I created to the wordpress database: I have no idea how to do this. I use PHPmyadmin to manage MySQL, and with PHPmyadmin, I could only create a user@localhost, set a password for the user, give permissions, and that’s it. I could also create the wordpress database, but that’s it. I couldn’t specifically add that user to the wordpress database. I don’t know if that could’ve been the cause of my problem, and how exactly could I solve it; stronghow can I add my username to the wordpress database using PHPmyadmin anyway?/strong
    However, after reading something about the new MySQL, passwords, and WordPress somewhere in these forums, I took off the password from the wp-config.php file, and I made the user that I created in PHPmyadmin withOUT a password, and after I did that, WordPress installed just fine.
    Now all this is just testing on my own computer. I don’t think it’s a good idea at all to do this without a password when I do this on a proper server for my public blog.
    strongMoreover, what do I do with this username now anyway?/strong When I go to WordPress’s page, it doesn’t ask me for that username, it asks me for the admin and the random password that I was given by WordPress after the successful installation.

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  • The mysql password and name are unrelated to the wp password and name – what you are seeing now is correct.
    As for your install password, that seems odd but fine for a local install. When you install on a hosted server, you will have more restrictions on the mysql password / name – it’s just the way your local setup is configured.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Actually, I’m getting the same issue.
    I set a null password and was able to complete the install, for testing purposes I put in a password after the successful install and I’m back to the same error the anons above posted.
    Guess what though, there was a recent MySQL upgrade available via yum, and I’m willing to bet that’s why people are having issues with this – since I was using WP fine last week and then I updated my RPMS and found it broken…

    Above post was me, forgot to login.

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