• Hi
    My blog is running rather good, but I am not sure if the comment or other feedback links work. I tried them with other browsers etc and they do work. Just now someone told me he had posted several comments etc, but i got nothing and there is nothing waiting either…

    Thanks a lot

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  • Howdy, Darwin. I registered, got my password email instantly, logged in, changed my password and left a quick comment. Everything seemed to work perfectly. Nice site.

    Thread Starter goodman48


    Thank you for your help

    > and review pls.

    Your sidebar is black in ff, cant see category links. etc..
    see this image > https://www.village-idiot.org/broke/NOVALID.gif

    then there’s this:

    your site isnt valid,

    I dont mean to be harsh but there are issues in both firefox and ie that make it look ugly.

    I really suggest taking a closer look at what you think done.

    Thread Starter goodman48


    But I dont know what validator want, ALL the errors they show are not errors…
    They complain about missing > at the end of a meta tag, but all the > are there ?
    The same goes for all other errors, so no idea whats going on there.
    The site works fine in IE…
    Since most ppl use IE, that is the browser i care about ??
    Thanks for your review, but did you have a look at it in IE ?


    Thread Starter goodman48


    I am not sure if validator validates right ?
    Just 1 sample, it says:
    Line 38 column 150: end tag for “meta” omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.
    …l, park, review, dining, restaurant”>

    and here is that text from https://www.darwinnewsblog.com:
    <meta name=”keywords” content=”darwin, nt, northern, territory, australia, news, gossip, top end, kakadu, national, park, review, dining, restaurant”>
    so whats wrong with that line?
    and the list goes on and on….
    Any idea?


    In my experience, the validator is really never wrong, I am. Now, that’s not to say that occasionally you can’t disagree with it. For instance, I personally feel that a target=”” directive should be part of the standard in xhtml, since so many people use it anyway, and it is actually very useful and occasionally needed. However, in your case, the validation issues are very real, and not a mistake.

    Just as en example, let’s take the META (And other) tags which the validator says”

    “Line ## column ###: end tag for “something-or-another” omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified.”

    In this case, lets take the first error. Here’s exactly what the validator says:

    Error Line 38, column 150: end tag for "meta"
    omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified .
    ...l, park, review, dining, restaurant">
    You may have neglected to close an element,
    or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element,
    that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".

    As you can see, the last line spells out VERY clearly what it is needing. On line 38, you are missing the “/” character, telling the browser that the meta tag is done issuing information. Here’s a comparison of what YOUR’S is saying, vs. what the validator, (and every valid browser in the world) would prefer:


    <meta name="keywords" content="darwin, nt, northern,
    territory, australia, news, gossip, top end, kakadu, national,
    park, review, dining, restaurant">


    <meta name="keywords" content="darwin, nt, northern,
    territory, australia, news, gossip, top end, kakadu, national,
    park, review, dining, restaurant" />


    I would also suggest that you go back to the drawing board a bit. I would start with the validator. It can definitely be frustrating, but it IS your friend. It will tell you how to resolve about 90% of your discrepancies between browsers. If you don’t care about FF or Safari or Mozilla or Netscape or Opera (neither do I about Opera, sorry guys), or any of the others you’re neglecting, then fine. That’s your choice. But realize that you’re ignoring about 20% of the market at this juncture, and more in the future. You’ll only be able to ignore it so long. It may be more beneficial to you and your readers if you follow better coding standards.

    This is work, and does take both time, and more than a “quick study” knowledge of CSS, XHTML, and standards. However, if you’re planning on doing this long term, or going big in any degree, it’s essential, IMO.

    Good luck!

    Since most ppl use IE, that is the browser i care about ??

    Have you analyzed your logs? ‘anything but IE’ is likely more than you think. The site is partly broken for me in FF and I *can’t* run IE. So I guess I can’t visit..

    in XHTML you have to close tags. In the case of the meta tag it is self closing and to do that you end the tag with /> not just > (note the forward slash). That’s what the validator is looking for there, A full explanation can be found here;


    geees -beaten to the punch a couple of posts up

    incertus, I can type faster, not shorter. You really won this one!

    Thread Starter goodman48


    Well I must have overseen the />, sorry.
    No good having 2 jobs and run a blog i guess. i got rid of some error, but then found out that most error actually cam from the theme itself, i changed theme and bingo, no errors plus it shows in netscape, FF and IE

    Thanks again for your help

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