It’s not that complicated, actually, especially the only modification you need is CSS. I’d say Child theme would be the best approach, as it will let you make template changes without disrupting the theme in the future, should you need to.
There are lots of resources available that cover Child Themes, but here’s an example:
create a folder in themes – call it what you’d like your childtheme to be called. This can be (your theme name)-child, or something similar. Inside the Folder, create a single file, called style.css, and put this in it as a template:
Theme Name: WP Simple Child Theme
Theme URI:
Description: WP Simple Child Theme
Author: TODO
Template: wp-simple
Version: 1.0.0
Tags: light, dark, two-columns, right-sidebar, responsive-layout, accessibility-ready
Text Domain: wp-simple-child-theme
@import url("../wp-simple/style.css");
This is a child theme based on a theme called WP Simple.
The name, URL, and description can be called whatever you’d like. There are TWO important pieces that you need to make sure are correct. 1) The “Template” value should be the folder name of your parent theme. (The theme you currently have set up)
2) you need to make sure the @import path matches your folder structure. I’m 99% sure that you’ll only need to replace ‘wp-simple’ with the name of your theme folder.
Give it a shot and let me know how it works!