I have the same problem so I post in here as I have done some research on the topic (still not solved though!).
I think we would need to ask the WordPress people to add a new hook.
I have a multi-author site and I would like the admin section to only show the posts of the current user. I have succeeded in making a plugin for this, however I want each author to only see the post count of his own posts.
Authors and contributors should not know have many posts there are on the site (I’m talking about pending, drafts).
The page I’m talking about is this one:
On the these threads I saw how to do hide the posts in the list:
However they still come up in the list at the top, that looks something like this:
Mine (3) | All(22) | Public(20) | Draft(1) | Pending(1)
For Authors and contributors it should only say:
or perhaps:
Mine(3) | Draft(1) | Pending(1)
So that is what I want. Now to my problem. I had solved it through a hack in the source code, but it is not a good solution long term as new WordPress versions come out every month or so.
I use this code to hide the posts in the post list:
function posts_for_current_author($query) {
if($query->is_admin) {
global $user_ID;
$query->set('author', $user_ID);
return $query;
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'posts_for_current_author');
however, it seems like the filter hook pre_get_posts
is called after the count list is generated. (Trying the hook posts_where
also doesn’t work.)
I have tried finding another hook that could solve this but can’t find any.
The list is printed in the /wp-admin/edit.php on line 241:
<?php $wp_list_table->views(); ?>
It calls a function in the wp_list_table object, which can be found in /wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php, on line 231:
* Display the bulk actions dropdown.
* @since 3.1.0
* @access public
function views() {
$screen = get_current_screen();
$views = $this->get_views();
$views = apply_filters( ‘views_’ . $screen->id, $views );
if ( empty( $views ) )
echo “<ul class=’subsubsub’>\n”;
foreach ( $views as $class => $view ) {
$views[ $class ] = “\t<li class=’$class’>$view”;
echo implode( ” |</li>\n”, $views ) . “</li>\n”;
echo “</ul>”;
This is as far as I get.
It seems to me that it would be needed to add a hook to do this.
Is there currently any way to make the functionality that I want?
If not, could someone in the WordPress team add a hook for the next version?
To Loru88, if you want a temporary solution that is not very good you could always remove line 241 in edit.php but this is NOT recommended.