• I am trying to add the Vistor’s total number of comments beside their info. (name + date/time) in the comment’s list.

    Here is the SQL that I am using:

    $count = $wpdb->get_var(
    		'SELECT COUNT(comment_ID) FROM '. $wpdb->comments. '
    		WHERE comment_author_email = "' . get_comment_author_email() .'"
    		AND comment_approved = "1"
    		AND comment_type NOT IN ("pingback", "trackback")'
    		//AND comment_type IN ("comments","")'
                    //AND comment_type=""'

    Basically The Author’s email will be checked and the total number of comments will be displayed. But also I want only approved comments to be counted and also I don’t want pingbacks/trackbacks to be counted. Regardless what combination of comment_type parameter I use the code still displays a number for the pingbacks/trackbacks (sometimes the count is 13 and sometimes it is 41, the number is wrong).

    I tried to use the function check_comment(), i could not get it to work to leave out trackbacks/pingbacks from being counted. Here is an image of the results (notice the count on the pingback. There shouldn’t be anything there):

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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