All right. I have a quick fix, which will be included in the next version. You can do this one of two ways.
1) I’ve uploaded the fix to the current version on the repository, so if you want to change the version number back a notch in the main plugin file, or just manually download the plugin again and overwrite the current installation, it’ll be fixed. I’m not pushing a new version yet because I want to make this fix a little more integrated with my “debug” feature. But in the meantime, it should work for you.
2) You can make the change yourself. Go to wp-content/plugins/file-away/includes/ and open up file-away.php for editing. If the lines are double-spaced, go down to about line 97 or so (if single-spaced, whatever half of 97 is). Find the two lines that look like this:
$dir = (strpos ($dir, '//') ? preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $dir) : $dir );
include SSFA_INCLUDES.'shortcode-options.php';
In between those two lines, add this line of code:
if ($private_content = true and !is_dir($dir)) return null;
That’ll get rid of your errors. It checks if the shortcode is supposed to be pointing to something that only logged-in users can see, and then checks if the directory it’s pointing to exists. If not, it outputs nothing. Got rid of the errors for me.
When I release the next version, I’ll do something with login prompting, or even a redirect to a login page (defined in the shortcode). We could do a login message, or a redirect (not sure if I want to set up both though, as I’m swamped ATM). But you’ll have to use a shortcode attribute to activate it, because one of the features of File Away is the user doesn’t see anything if there’s nothing for them to see.