Coupon Code – Exclude sale items issue
WC Version: [?] 2.3.13
I’m having an issue with coupon codes as I have created them with the option “Exclude sale items”. 20% on cart discount.
From the database:
“meta_key” “meta_value”
“_edit_lock” “1436993937:1”
“_edit_last” “4”
“_wpas_done_all” “1”
“_vc_post_settings” “a:1:{s:7:””vc_grid””;a:0:{}}”
“discount_type” “percent”
“coupon_amount” “20”
“individual_use” “yes”
“product_ids” “”
“exclude_product_ids” “”
“usage_limit” “”
“usage_limit_per_user” “1”
“limit_usage_to_x_items” “”
“expiry_date” “”
“free_shipping” “no”
“exclude_sale_items” “yes”
“product_categories” “a:0:{}”
“exclude_product_categories” “a:0:{}”
“minimum_amount” “”
“maximum_amount” “”
“customer_email” “a:0:{}”
“slide_template” “default”
“usage_count” “1”
“_used_by” “13”When it was used in a product with variations I thought that could be related with some issue with the plugin and the process that I use to create products.
So I tried to create a simple test product and to use the coupon code.
As it is a simple product, just with a regular price and a sale price, I was expecting that the coupon discount would be rejected, but once again it allowed to give a discount on top of another discount.
Here are the meta keys and values from the new product:
“meta_key” “meta_value”
“_edit_lock” “1436994953:1”
“_edit_last” “1”
“_visibility” “visible”
“_stock_status” “instock”
“_wpas_done_all” “1”
“_wpb_vc_js_status” “false”
“_vc_post_settings” “a:1:{s:7:””vc_grid””;a:0:{}}”
“_product_video_gallery” “”
“_product_video_code” “”
“total_sales” “0”
“_downloadable” “no”
“_virtual” “no”
“_regular_price” “50”
“_sale_price” “40”
“_tax_status” “taxable”
“_tax_class” “”
“_purchase_note” “”
“_featured” “no”
“_weight” “”
“_length” “”
“_width” “”
“_height” “”
“_sku” “”
“_product_attributes” “a:0:{}”
“_sale_price_dates_from” “”
“_sale_price_dates_to” “”
“_price” “40”
“_sold_individually” “”
“_manage_stock” “no”
“_backorders” “no”
“_stock” “”
“_upsell_ids” “a:0:{}”
“_crosssell_ids” “a:0:{}”
“_product_image_gallery” “”
“product_new” “disable”
“slide_template” “default”
“vc_teaser” “a:2:{s:4:””data””;s:115:””[{“”name””:””title””,””link””:””post””},{“”name””:””image””,””image””:””featured””,””link””:””none””},{“”name””:””text””,””mode””:””excerpt””}]””;s:7:””bgcolor””;s:0:””””;}”
“_wcml_custom_prices_status” “0”
“_wpml_media_duplicate” “0”
“_wpml_media_featured” “0”Can you reproduce it?
Is this information enough?
How can I solve this issue?Thanks in advance
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