• Resolved grafica.villcom



    I found a big problem to fix. I have a free shipping coupon that is applied only to one product. Now with your plugin if I add the coupon, free shipping is applied not only to the right product but also to the other products in the same shipping class.

    This is the detailed situation in my cart:

    Product A (shipping class X) > shipping method Flat Rate
    Product B (shipping class Y) > shipping method Table Rate
    Product C (shipping class Y) > shipping method Table Rate
    Then I apply my coupon = free shipping only for Product B

    I have to pay the shipping only for Product A + Product C.

    Instead at the moment the free shipping coupon is applied for shipping class so Product C shipping is free too.

    Can you fix this issue?

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    Could you please clarify:
    – Are you usually any plugin to handle coupons?
    – What are the settings of the coupon?

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom


    Hi @oneteamsoftware,


    – No plugin is used to handle coupons
    – The coupon enables free shipping only for “Product B” (setting in restrictions tab)

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    Will it be too much trouble to ask you to send me screenshots of your setup via https://1teamsoftware.com/ contact form? I don’t know if you can attach files here now.

    I would like to recreate your setup more precisely in order to find the best solution.

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom


    Hi @oneteamsoftware,

    I can’t find “upload file” section in your contact form so I upload the files myself. You can download the screenshots from here:


    Inside you will find 2 kind of settings because the same issue happens both with “group by shipping class” and “group by product id”.

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    Thanks, I was able reproduce your issue and it will be fixed soon.

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom


    Great news!

    Thank you very much!

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    The issue should be resolved now, please update the plugin and let me know whenever it is ok or if you have any other requests

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom



    I just updated the plugin. The issue is resolved but only if I group products by product id (in settings table).

    If I need to group items by shipping class, the situation is still the same. The free shipping coupon is applied to all the items of the same shipping class instead of one product only.

    Thank you very much.

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    If you will group just by a shipping class then all the items with the same shipping class will be in the same group, and shipping methods are offered per group. So in cases when you need to offer free shipping just for one product need to make grouping more complex.

    I guess that you need a feature which will create a group with only free shipping items?

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom


    No, sorry, that’s not my case.

    Our website sells copies of a magazine. We offer free shipping by coupon code only for the current magazine issue and for a limited time (for example for our #107 magazine that you have seen in my screenshots).

    The coupon code offers free shipping by item and not by order (see screenshots).

    Although all the copies must have the same shipping class because shipping cost is calculated by weight with table rate.

    Maybe a user want to add to cart a lot of copies of our magazine and different issues of it.

    So your plugin with “group by shipping class” setting enabled should not applied the item coupon code to all the item in the same shipping class.

    Example of cart:

    Add Item #1
    Add Item #2

    (they have the same shipping class)

    Shipping cost = 10 euros (example)

    Then user try to add a coupon that enable free shipping only for item #1. Ok, coupon is applied but in the cart there is also Item #2 so the shipping cost must be the same 10 euros.

    I hope I explained myself well. In case not, please let me know.

    Thank you very much.

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    I will have a solution for it soon.

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom


    Great, thank you!

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    We’ve added ability to group items by free shipping, so just update your group by rule and I think that you should get the result you are looking for.

    New version of the plugin should be available now.

    Please let me know how did it work for you.

    Plugin Author oneteamsoftware


    Did it work for you as expected?

    Thread Starter grafica.villcom



    Sorry for the delay. I just updated the plugin.

    Great news: it seems that all is working fine now!

    For those people who have the same problem as mine: with this release you have to group products by shipping class AND free shipping.

    Thank you so much!

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