• Resolved rahyrs


    1. I want to customize the look of the course preview but can’t find the template to use.
    2. It seems that the output of course shortcode and course page (setting) are a bit different (using different template?) I can send you the screenshot.
    3. I also want to display in the course preview and single course page:
    – the author of the course (which I think is = post author?)
    – the SKU
    – course categories (which I believe is different than post categories?)
    – course tags
    – course start and end date
    – course capacity
    – number of student enrolled
    – the date of course published

    I know this is a lot of inquiries, but I think these information are useful to be displayed along with course title and image, especially for paid courses as they give more info at a glance.
    I had put these in the “Trello’s vote for feature” for the next update, but would really like to have an interim solution beforehand.

    Thank you.


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  • Hey @rahyrs,

    1) you’ll want to look at the template at templates/content-course.php.

    Note that most of the content output here, by default, is output using action hooks. Look in the file at includes/llms.template.hooks.php to see what is attached to the actions in this template.

    You can override this template to add whatever metadata you’d like

    2) The rendered content might be slightly different based on CSS of your theme, but they both, ultimately, utilize the aforementioned template to output their content. If you’re seeing drastic issues, let me know what they are specifically. Yes, screenshots would help. Links to the pages would help more!

    + Course Author is the course author from the wp_posts table
    + sku will be located in the postmeta table with the key “_sku”
    + course categories and course tags are custom taxonomies: “course_cat” and “course_tag”
    + start & end date are in the postmeta table with the keys (respectively) “_course_dates_from” and “_course_dates_to”
    + course capacity is in the postmeta table with the key “_lesson_max_user” (excuse the misnomer here).
    + use the code in this gist to get enrolled students: https://gist.github.com/thomasplevy/70a1f02d3e00e18a31d85db4fd6e1a2a
    + this data is stored in the WordPress post table, use get_the_date() (https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/get_the_date)

    Hope that helps,

    Hi @thomasplevy,

    In the llms.template.hooks.php, there is the same code on 2 lines. Is it intended or just a mistake? I delete one of them and see no difference.

    //After Course Archive Loop Item Title
    add_action( ‘lifterlms_after_shop_loop_item_title’, ‘lifterlms_template_loop_length’, 10 );
    add_action( ‘lifterlms_after_shop_loop_item_title’, ‘lifterlms_template_loop_length’, 10 );


    Looks like a mistake, I’ll get that duplicate removed in a future release. Thanks for the catch!

    Hi @thomasplevy,

    I just updated lifterlms to 2.7.7 and now my course list (setting>course page) messed up. It looks like the blog page.
    But the shortcode is still good.
    What happened?


    2. How do I customize the llms.template.hooks ?
    I put it in child-theme > lifterlms > include and child-theme > lifterlms, but not read by the plugin.

    Thank you

    If accessing from menu using Course Category is also ok.
    When looking at the template, it pick up content.php which is theme’s blog content.
    I have remove all customization files and still the same.
    What do you think is wrong? Can you tell where I should start looking from?

    Thank you.


    1. When opening the account details using Account Setting link in the my-account page and then save, the welcome message name (was 2 words) is change to first name (1 word).
    Looking at the my-account.php code, it should be displaying display name.
    Looking at the database table, the display name is changed to first name only.

    So the displaying is correct. But the saving button has truncate the display name.
    After saving, I got logged out from the admin page (openned at the same time). And I can’t go back to domain.com/wp-admin/. I always get error message that I’m not allowed to open the page.

    2. I just realize, does lifterlms uses different template of content-course for login user and non-login user? or at least calls something different between the login status?
    Because the custom content-course.php is not called when not logged in.

    You can see the diffrence here:
    The red box is the custom metadata.

    I don’t know if the 2 questions are related or not, but starts from the user details saving, I got difficulties to login to my admin site.
    My site is https://ukmbelajar.net/

    You can look at them from menu:
    – HOME (using shortcode) –> correct display
    – KATALOG (using page set at lifterlms Setting > Courses) –> layout not grid.
    – KATALOG > KEWIRAUSAHAAN (using course-category) –> llms.template.hooks.php not called (I do custom directly in the original file in plugins folder)
    – KATALOG > KEWIRAUSAHAAN > KEPEMIMPINAN (using course-category) –> correct display
    Thank you

    My site has been restored. Everything is good now. I deactivate some plugins.
    I don’t yet know what happened. I will explore more later.


    can you please help me prioritize and decipher your string of requests here….

    I just got back from taking a much needed long weekend away from my computer and I want to resolve your issues as rapidly as possible but it might be that you’ve already resolved all of them as per your last post?

    If each of your above items still need a response please let me know and I’ll start responding to them individually.

    In the future, despite what you might think, it is *tremendously* helpful to me if you post a new thread for new issues, rather than tacking multiple issues or questions into one long string of questions. It might seem tedious but it makes my work a lot easier to respond to and help with when you have a string of, what looks to me, like 5 or 6 independent issues and questions.


    Hi @thomasplevy,

    Yes the problem has been resolved.
    For the next time, I will have separate posts for each issue.
    Thank you.


    Great thanks and let us know if you need anything further!

    duplicate action hook resolved in 2.7.11

    thanks for letting me know.
    I want to customize the page displaying the hooks (the course preview/link).
    But putting the customized llms.template.hooks.php in a folder named includes in the theme child doesn’t work.
    How do I do that?


    If you want to change, add, or remove actions you’ll need to do the following (do this in a functions.php file — LifterLMS only looks for overrides of TEMPLATES not actual function files or classes):

    1) Remove the action you’ve found in llms.template.hooks.php using remove_action()

    2) Add the action back in using add_action() with your updated priority / order

    Hope that helps,

    Hi @thomasplevy,

    Thank you for your advice.
    Its done and case closed.
    Thank you

    hello ,, i just want to thank u ^^ i have the same request and i got it ..
    but i have a bit issue am not expert so i dont know how to use the code to add the studants count on the page and the capacity ..

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