• Resolved mpek



    I’m researching for a new website of a client who has a dancing school i’m possibly doing the new website for and I wonder if I could increase the user experience and easier school administration.
    I tried 5 “courses”-plug-ins, but they all had another problem and I’m trying to achieve the requirements of the school with Events Manager, but I came to a point where I’m stuck lacking further knowledge about the possibilities of this plug-in.

    A part of their business is to

    – sell classes/courses
    – rent the studio when there are no classes running
    – selling tickets for special events

    Is Events Manager a good choice for these tasks?

    I was playing around with EM for a couple of hours and I’m wondering if it is possible to setup Events Manager to be used for classes AND renting the studio? For the renting part it is misleading to sell “seats” in the online form, when there should be displayed a date and from-to time field.
    I was setting up an event called “Renting Studio” and a booking is possible to be made, but only for the set up time.
    It would be ideal if the visitor has an overview of occupied time-slots, so he sees the available time to rent the studio at.
    As far is I know, you can set up an Event only by setting up the time and date and don’t leave that open, e.g. to be filled by the renter.
    I experienced the naming (“seats”) would not be correct as someone who is booking the studio would rent it per hour and not per seat.

    How can I change the seat-naming to hours and how can the date be entered by the renter?

    The requirements:

    1. Recurring Courses to be “Events” that are bookable, i guess I know how to set this up!
    (description with the possiblity to buy the course and book attendace to be able to know in advance who will attend classes as pupils are free to come every week if they want or not and the school never knows how many pupils will attend a class in advance, this could help to forsee the attandance if pupils visit the page a book attendance
    2. Renting the Studio
    3. Events on special occassions (like showing parents what their kids achieved)
    4. Having an on-page overview in table form (timetable as a grid) of these all included:

    4.1. Courses/Classes,
    4.2. rented studio time and
    4.3. special events

    Every change of one or another would be visible in that overview table for the visitor and the administration.


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  • Hi,

    You’ve got three main areas here:

    1 sell classes/courses
    2 rent the studio when there are no classes running
    3 selling tickets for special events

    Number 1 and 3 are absolutely no problem, that’s part of the standard Events Manager feature set.

    The second is a little more tricky, but really only the part where users choose the end time of their booking which isn’t a standard feature.

    One way you could get around that might be to treat the renting of studio time as a user-submitted event, which would allow users to freely select end times. That said, you’d need to do some custom coding to make sure events / rental times couldn’t overlap.

    Thread Starter mpek


    Thank you for reading my question and answering in detail.
    I’m not able to do custom coding at this time in my life. If you don’t have a good recommendation how to learn the coding I need for this task in a week or less, then this is not going to work then?

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    am afraid yes however maybe you can try to see the documentation


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