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  • Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    I think it’s a problem with the actual image upload. In my element inspector hovering over the image link the browser thinks it’s 25×125 which is how it’s appearing (too thin). But when I go to the image itself it is actually 1400×1400. Please try resizing your album art image to be exactly 125x125px (like do it in Photoshop or some external program) then give it a totally new name and upload it and add the link…. let’s see if that fixes it…

    Thread Starter paintedcliffs


    Thank you for your quick response, Maeve. I have re-checked the actual size of the cover images I’m using on the site and they seem to be 125px x 125px, as I intended. They also appear that way when I inspect the page using Firebug. Not seeing the 25 x 125 you mentioned, but I suspect that’s the root of my problem — I just can’t locate any value that corresponds to that. I resized all of them in Photoshop before setting up the audio player (the original size was 1400px x 1400px). I’ll continue to investigate to see where I’ve tripped myself up; will try your idea of re-doing and re-naming the image links. Thank you again!

    Thread Starter paintedcliffs


    Maeve, it’s still not working for me. Here’s what I’ve done since I last wrote:

    1. Deactivated and deleted the plug-in; removed all associated image files from my media library.
    2. Re-formatted all cover art in Photoshop to 125px x 125px with new file names; uploaded all to media library.
    3. Downloaded plug-in again from WP internal plug-in loader (NOTE: new version: 2.2).
    4. Changed color scheme and began a new playlist with the fresh image files (as well as mp3 and ogg files).

    The cover image is still squashed and I don’t see anything in Firebug to alert me to the source of the problem. I would be very grateful for any suggestions you have. Thank you!

    Thread Starter paintedcliffs


    Oh, and one other step I tried:

    5. Disabled all other plug-ins.

    Still no luck.

    Thread Starter paintedcliffs


    Temporary fix: removed this line from index.php:
    cover:'<?php echo $song->cover; ?>’

    I would still prefer to get the covers to work if possible.

    Thank you.

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