• Clicking on any tag (whether in the tag cloud or on a single-post page) produces:

    Call to undefined function catch_that_image() in …/public_html/wp-content/themes/cover-wp/tag.php on line 18

    instead of an archive of everything having that tag.

    Can anyne give me a pointer how to fix?


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  • So you have i.e.

    <?php echo catch_that_image() ?>

    in your tag.php and catch_that_image() is the function from functions.php correct? if so make sure that you have the code in it.

    Just update the theme to the latest version. It was a bug that was fixed.

    Thread Starter sitemaker


    No “echo” in the php, just a function call, but otherwise yes.
    (This is where the code decides whether there’s a featured image in the post, or if the template will have to supply its own random image.)

    I’ve modified the template enough that I can’t update automatically until I know what files are gonna be touched. Is there a place I can just see the changes, so I can apply them myself? I’m at template version 1.6.3.

    I’ve added a widget position to functions.php; and modified the visible on-screen text that the template had hard-coded in just about every other part (header, sidebar, home, category, tag, archive, single, search); and of course tweaked the css file. (I imagine it might be faster to copy in the missing function than to reapply all my changes.)

    Here’s what you need to change in tag.php:


    Remove what’s highlighted in red and replace with what’s highlighted in green.

    Thread Starter sitemaker


    THANK YOU. That’s very clear & I’ll do it right away.

    By the way, I commented out line 18 (that function call), and the template all seems to work fine. I was coming back here to report that when I found your reply. Perhaps it only works fine because of my usage pattern (for example, every post has exactly one featured image and no others, etc.)

    Anyway, I will apply the rest of the changes. Thank you so much for the reference to trac. I didn’t know about that resource before. It’s terrific. Thank you very much.

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