• Hi there guys, I just registered at WPwebhosting to start my own blog using wordpress. However, once I login onto my control panel I get the message that it’s not secure, and the http adress in the top of my screen is showed in red if I do proceed, why is this?

    Easy explanation preferred, as I’m new to programming code etc.

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  • IF the “http address” at the top of the window, in your browser’s Address Bar, says https:// something, then WPwebhosting has an invalid “digital certificate” — the certificate is required to run https (the S is for Secure, and uses Encryption to protect your session from prying eyes). Report it to their Support folks. If they don’t fix it, find another host, as they are Trouble with a capital T.

    IF the “http address” says https:// something, then WPwebhosting has a bad link in the login process. They coded http instead of https. Again, report it to their Support folks. And dump them if they don’t fix it.

    In either case, they should refund your money if you dump them.

    From my own experience (5-6 different web hosts), I haven’t yet seen one that provided secure access (https) to cPanel. Not bad, just odd.

    Incidentally, when I checked wpwebhosting.com, it came up 403 Forbidden. Do they have a different domain name?

    Thread Starter achtungiono


    Yea, they have https://wpwebhost.com/ but there is no s in there, does this mean they are not secure, I’m confused.

    Yea there is an S in there in the adress box, still red thought.

    I was recommended this host, as they deal specially with wordpress. I got a domain at godaddy.

    https:// only needs to be used where you are sending or receiving confidential information. Banks use it a lot for when you manage your bank account. And everyone who asks you to enter a password should be using https:// for at least just the password page.

    As I said, if your cpanel is https:// and you get that error,

    then WPwebhosting has an invalid “digital certificate” — the certificate is required to run https (the S is for Secure, and uses Encryption to protect your session from prying eyes). Report it to their Support folks. If they don’t fix it, find another host, as they are Trouble with a capital T.

    Thinking about it and to answer the question you asked, since there is nothing in cPanel that really requires https:// level security, you are really not risking much by using their cPanel with the “invalid digital certificate.”

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