• Pioneer Web Design


    I had (long ago) asked here about a CPT that was not allowing a post to be previewed.

    I did find an answer at:


    So, in:

    $args = array(
            'label'               => __( 'Faqs', 'text_domain' ),
            'description'         => __( 'Faqs', 'text_domain' ),
            'labels'              => $labels,
            'hierarchical'        => false,
            'public'              => true,
    		'publicly_queryable'  => true,
            'show_ui'             => true,
            'show_in_menu'        => true,
            'show_in_nav_menus'   => true,
            'show_in_admin_bar'   => true,
    		'supports' => array(
    		'taxonomies' => array('faq_category','post_tag'),
    		'update_count_callback' => '_update_post_term_count',		
            'menu_position'       => 5,
            'menu_icon'           => null,
            'can_export'          => true,
            'has_archive'         => true,
            'exclude_from_search' => false,
            'publicly_queryable'  => true,
            'capability_type'     => 'post',
    		'query_var'          => 'qa_faqs',
            'rewrite'             => array('slug' => 'faqs'),

    just remove one line:


    and the preview works!

    Is there a better work around?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    ATM, no, other than identifying the root cause and fixing it ?? It seems the problem remains. I’m able to replicate the problem as described in your linked reference. I don’t even see the formats meta box in the block editor, I had to use classic editor for testing. Apparently post formats haven’t been getting much love. Removing support is hardly a solution if you really want to use formats.

    I recommend filing a Trac ticket about this so the issue can be properly tracked.

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