• My wordpress blog has suffered at least one CPU overload every day of July. Coincidentally, that was about when I installed WP super cache, which is supposed to alleviate such problems.

    I checked the slow mySQL queries log and while I couldn’t identify exactly which was the culprit, it appears that there’s a ton of spam comments. (I have akismet running)

    Any thoughts on how to resolve this issue? My host is Bluehost if that helps.

    CPU Exceeded Log For Mon Jul 14 11:28:51 2008

    Mon Jul 14 11:28:48 2008: used 88.00 seconds of cpu time for mysql query

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  • Not sure but I would have thought the impact on the cpu is not just your installation thats causing it – as its likely to be shared server – then other sites will cause the server usage to climb and you will get those issues with a poor host (not saying Bluehost is bad or good, I dont know).

    But its likely to be the host being used by other sites that causes your errors.

    Bluehost’s cpu error logs list only your cpu errors. If you would like to see other users problems, check the Main Logs in the Error Logs section (in the cpanel).
    Most likely the problem with the cpu is either that there is corruption in the database(run a restore on it), or that you have a very large table which is queried often and is not properly indexed. Here is one site with information about indexing, though there are several other good ones out there: https://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysql-index.php

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