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  • Plugin Author Allen


    what kind of server are you on? If you have hundreds of feeds and are on a slow (shared) server, you could run into a problem.

    see this

    Thread Starter alexaung


    Hi Allen,

    I have hosted my site on AWS

    Web Server : m1.medium
    Database : RDS (because of CPU usage, I have moved my database from webserver to RDS

    Yes, I have disabled all plugin but still cup usage high when it is run.


    Thread Starter alexaung


    By the way I only have 40 feeds url ??

    Plugin Author Allen


    well, I have no idea, then… can download a plugin that calculates which plugins, etc, are using the CPU. try P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler), for example

    I currently have 207 feeds being pulled in through your plugin,and hosting on an average performing (shared) server.

    I obviously want to keep my site as up to date as possible – so I’m updating quite frequently.
    The feeds are getting updated, but my site just gets semi-non-responsive when the updating is in progress – which seems normal.

    For people that are pulling in hundreds of feeds- would it be a solution to combine all those feeds into one (or a couple) of feeds first through something like Yahoo pipes.

    I have not really thought about implications , but would that lower the strain on cpu while updating ?
    Like I said – the content of my site depends on those RSS feeds, so I would like to keep them as up to date as possible (currently updating every 20 minutes)

    Thanks for the plugin and thanks for the support given here !

    Same problem here I’m overloading several times a day the MySql DB when fetching feeds into wp_posts table and to the heavy load closed the connection to my DB with ‘Error establishing a database connection’.

    I’m using the plugin since beginning of the year just for posting news, till now about 4,000 post published and the problem started since 3.0 and the new DB feature. I’m only pulling 20 feeds, but about 400 feed items every day from whom I filter thru category filter only 20 to my news page. As I can see feed items and posts are located in the same DB wp_post table. The problem so far is not the import of the items of each feed into the DB. I guess because of the volume in my wp_post table (10,809 records with 16MB size) the AutoPost feature needs to long time to search the whole wp_post table for new entries and filter to publish them finally. BTW I have enabled the option to delete all feeds older 1 day and bring in only feeds not older than 1 day.

    Would be great if WP RSS Multi Importer would fetch the feeds into a different wp_table and the AutoPost later into the wp_post table, as there is no plugin or solution available to archive older post in a different table as wp_post. Won’t like to delete older post as Google and Co. finding them still and brings me a lot of visitors to my page

    Same problem, any one have duplicate posts because of this?

    Yes, sometimes I get duplicate posts too! I guess at the time the AutoPost looks for new feed items and the DB wasn’t actualized because of busy connection.

    Will start a new threat as I think this isn’t a CPU problem even more an overload of the MySQL DB.

    Just to add to this: I just got the double post issue too.

    Plugin Author Allen


    well, I’m not sure what’s going on here since this doesn’t happen on my servers… suggestion, frankly, is to try another plugin and see if you run into the same problems..if you don’t then it may be my plugin just won’t work well on your server….try this plugin

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