@dawodus We’re sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue on your site.
We reviewed the screenshots you provided and responded to each individually:
For the image https://prnt.sc/gNntUPkmTC1W
We aren’t sure what you are trying to indicate as the problem with this specific page. Can you please clarify this? The page shows as being indexed, with no crawl issues, and the page fetch was successful.
For the image https://prnt.sc/_U0n3UvrKJW7
First of all, this image indicates that the sitemap_index.xml
file you submitted to Google Search Console shows as having been successfully submitted to Google Search Console, so it does appear that Google Search Console did read the sitemap without any issues.
You also indicated on this image that you are concerned by the ‘Discovered URLs’ showing a value of ‘0’.
Are there any specific URLs that you are seeing as having been submitted, but are not indexed?
We are uncertain why it’s being reported with 0 URLs discovered in Google Search Console, but according to Google, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem. You can read more about this here. Most probably, Google needs some time to process the sitemap. And do keep in mind that Google Search Console reports are not real-time.
So we would like to suggest allowing some time for Google to process the sitemap. For a speedier resolution, you could delete the sitemap in Google Search Console and resubmit it again. Sometimes, it helps to fix the 0 discovered URLs notice faster. We have a good article that can be useful on this topic: Submit Your Sitemap To Search Engines.
For the image https://prnt.sc/4m4jo3HCu3lt
For the individual issues listed by Google for URLs in the sitemap, these would need to individually addressed, and without us knowing the URLs of the affected URLs, we aren’t able to say for certain whether the reported issues are correct.
For the URLs as being reported as Not Found (404), have you checked any of these URLs to confirm whether they are returning a 404? If so, we’d recommend resolving that by redirecting the URL if possible. At the very least they shouldn’t be included in the sitemap.
As for the URLs being reported as Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag, if the Yoast SEO plugin has these pages set to noindex, then they shouldn’t be included in the sitemap at all.
If the sitemap contains pages that are set to noindex, it may indicate that the sitemap itself isn’t updated due it being cached or some other issue. Whereas the XML Sitemap should dynamically update after any modification to it, if the site or server is caching the sitemap this can cause it to not update right away. We also have additional information on this at the following link: https://yoast.com/help/sitemap-does-not-update/.
?If you are not seeing the sitemap as updated, we would recommend checking your caching settings and to ensure that the sitemap is being excluded from the cache.
If the sitemap is being cached by a plugin we have directions on how to add an exclusion for the sitemap files to your cache plugin at the following link: https://yoast.com/help/exclude-sitemaps-from-cache/
If you are still experiencing an issue with the sitemap not updating after checking your site’s caching settings, you can also force a cache reset by temporarily disabling the sitemap feature, and then re-enabling it. To do so please perform the following steps:
In order to disable and then re-enable sitemaps in the Yoast SEO plugin, you would need to perform the following actions:
? In WordPress go to Yoast SEO>General>Features
? Toggle the ‘XML Sitemaps’ option to ‘Off’
? Click ‘Save Changes’
? Toggle the ‘XML Sitemaps’ option to ‘On’
? Click ‘Save Changes’
We also have a guide on how to enable and disable XML Sitemaps here: https://yoast.com/help/xml-sitemaps-in-the-wordpress-seo-plugin/
Can you please try the aforementioned suggestions and letting us know whether it resolves your issue and you are able to successfully update the sitemap?