• Resolved libormachac


    Hello, I have a problem on my website with the speed of the e-shop for guests and customers. For guests, the site loads fast and awesome, I have crawler set up. But then I have roles:
    Customer -> this one has the same front-end as guest
    Wholesale -> again the same front-end but the price of the products changes
    Wholesale for nurseries – there is only one category that opens which has products available after registration
    Inserting roles into the crawler seems unnecessary in this case but is it necessary? Now currently these customers are not getting pre-cached pages and loading is very slow.
    I will be glad for advice how to set this up for an e-shop with 5000 pages in sitemap and 3 customer roles.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    you need to enable ESI for this, otherwise the user’s private cache is short-lived

    but ESI may not be compatible for all kind of plugins or themes, you need to test it through.

    Thread Starter libormachac


    I can′t bcs of price changes and more. So if i like to pre crawl all the users and user roles, i need to add them to crawler? I tried to add customer ID to crawler but all that cache missed and stayed blue ??

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by libormachac.
    Thread Starter libormachac


    Also, do you have any tips to make crawling faster and setup it for 2 user roles to make the pages faster and also do you have any tutorial how to setup LTSC for large woocommerce shop about 5000 urls+ and 4000 products+?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    if you can not use ESI , then it will be kind of pointless to run role simulation , yes, because it’s short-lived , it will expired before any actual visitor come into it

    it depends on your server performance , for example I have a 32 core dedicated server, and all resources are for me and for me alone , in which case I can just set thread to 30 without worrying about resources consumption when crawling.

    Thread Starter libormachac


    So how do i pre cache customer user role?

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    you will need to enable ESI

    Thread Starter libormachac


    So i will need to go trought my xy snippets, xy plugins and codes and definy which part of web is for which group of users right? That makes no sence

    Plugin Support qtwrk


    yeah , with ESI, it will create a “public cache” among same group/role users , otherwise each user is individually private-cached ,

    by that saying , if you have 100 users on one role , without ESI, you need to simulate 100 users , it’s not practical , with ESI, you just need to simulate one and rest of 99 will get same public cache, and use ESI to fill in the certain section.

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