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  • Plugin Author Jan-Peter


    Hello Harry,

    that is caused by a modification of yours to the mailform. If you take a look at, you’ve added a Link called “zurück zu Layouterstellung” to the bottom of the form. This link directs towards the address in your screenshot:

    So you need to check your code there, why it is adding <a href="://">Layouterstellung</a>.


    Thread Starter Harry Milatz


    Hi JP,

    thanks for the hint:) Yes i made some changes.
    I see it now. When the link to the webform is called correctly, like the link back to the article is correct.

    When it is called without #shariff_mailform like the link to the article is “wrong”.

    I will change it.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Harry Milatz


    Maybe the code with the link back to the article is useful for others or for the next release;) I have made this changes for all the 4 languages.

    // strings for the e-mail form in German
    $url_back=get_permalink( $post->ID );
    // mail form
    $mf_headline['DE']	= 'Diesen Beitrag per E-Mail versenden';
    $mf_headinfo['DE']	= 'Sie k&ouml;nnen maximal fünf Empf&auml;nger angeben. Diese bitte durch Kommas trennen.';
    $mf_rcpt['DE']		= 'Empf&auml;nger E-Mail-Adresse(n)';
    $mf_rcpt_ph['DE']	= 'empf&auml;';
    $mf_from['DE']		= 'Absender E-Mail-Adresse';
    $mf_from_ph['DE']	= '';
    $mf_name['DE']		= 'Name des Absenders (optional)';
    $mf_name_ph['DE']	= 'Ihr Name';
    $mf_comment['DE']	= 'Zusatztext (optional)';
    $mf_send['DE']		= 'E-Mail senden';
    $mf_info['DE']		= 'Die hier eingegebenen Daten werden nur dazu verwendet, die E-Mail in Ihrem Namen zu versenden. Sie werden nicht gespeichert und es erfolgt keine Weitergabe an Dritte oder eine Analyse zu Marketing-Zwecken.';
    if (!empty($url_back)) {
    $mf_info['DE']		.= '<br>zur&uuml;ck zu <a href="'.$url_back.'">'.get_the_title().'</a>';
    $mf_optional['DE']	= ' (optional)';
    $mf_wait['DE']		= 'Spam-Schutz: Bitte in %d Sekunden noch einmal versuchen!';
    $mf_to_error['DE']	= 'Ung&uuml;ltige Empf&auml;nger-Adresse(n)!';
    $mf_from_error['DE']	= 'Ung&uuml;ltige Absender-Adresse!';
    // send confirmation
    if (!empty($url_back)) {
    $mf_mail_send['DE']		= 'zur&uuml;ck zu <a href="'.$url_back.'">'.get_the_title().'</a><br>';
    $mf_mail_send['DE']	.= 'Die E-Mail wurde erfolgreich gesendet an:';
    // e-mail content
    $mf_mailbody1['DE']	= 'Der folgende Beitrag wurde Ihnen von ';
    $mf_mailbody2['DE']	= 'jemanden'; // will be replaced with a name, if provided
    $mf_mailbody3['DE']	= ' empfohlen:';
    // e-mail footer
    //72                        123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012
    $mf_footer['DE']	 = "Diese E-Mail wurde ueber das WordPress Plugin \"Shariff Wrapper\" \r\n";
    $mf_footer['DE']	.= "versendet. Es wurde entwickelt, um die Privatsphaere der Webseiten-\r\n";
    $mf_footer['DE']	.= "besucher zu schuetzen. Der Seitenbetreiber hat daher keine Moeglichkeit,\r\n";
    $mf_footer['DE']	.= "naehere Angaben zum tatsaechlichen Absender dieser E-Mail zu geben.\r\n";

    Plugin Author Jan-Peter


    Hi Harry,

    thank you for your code! What do you think about a cancel button (that does the same thing)? I kind of feel that a link “back to post xy” is a bit strange when the post is just underneath.


    Thread Starter Harry Milatz


    Hi JP,

    of course, a cancel button would be the right thing:)

    And for the “send confirmation” maybe a close button.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Harry Milatz


    here is the code with buttons. It is just like the link, because i don’t want to change/add js-code:

    And for the css it could be


    This class could be added to the “E-Mail senden” button to have a pointer there too ??

    [Large code excerpt removed by moderator per forum rules. Please use Pastebin for all large code excerpts. It works better anyway.]

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