Pages Not found (404)Website
Google is expected to exclude from its index all URLs that return a 404 (not found) error. According to Google, if some URLs on your site are throwing 404 errors, this fact alone does not hurt you or count against you in Google’s search results. 404 errors are a perfectly normal part of the web; the Internet is always changing, new content is born, old content dies, and when it dies, it (ideally) returns a 404 HTTP response code. Search engines know this; we have 404 errors on our own sites and find them all over the web.
Alternate page with proper canonical
This means that two versions of a page on your website have the same canonical URL. Google will exclude the duplicate version and index the main version of the page. Check the URLs to see if they have duplicate versions. If you want to know how to fix the “Alternate page with proper canonical tag”, you can read this article:?How To Fix “Alternate page with the proper canonical tag.
Page with redirect
It’s just normal for Google not to index redirected URLs. What’s important is that the destination URL is being indexed properly. You may want to check the URLs listed by Google Search Console and inspect if the destination URLs are loading fine and don’t have errors.
When you set a page to redirect, say you have page A, and you set it to redirect to page B. Page B will be indexed in the Google Search Engine Result Page, and page A will not be indexed. This is the correct behavior. So kindly check the URLs which are being noindexed due to “Pages with redirect”. If you have redirected a page to somewhere else and that is being noindexed from Google Search Console due to pages with a redirect, it is totally normal, and nothing needs to be done.
Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag
Please, click on the error to expand it and see which pages have the noindex tag. Review them to see if they are not indexed correctly or not.
If you intentionally added a “noindex” tag, then it’s normal for Google to exclude them. If there are URLs of actual pages that should be indexed and are tagged as “noindex”, you can check that with your SEO plugin.
Redirect error
Unfortunately, without knowing what the specific URL that is being reported is, we won’t be able to help understand this better. Please share with us the URL/s affected.
If you think that pages that have been deleted and indexed by Google are still getting hits, you need to redirect them properly. You can create a 301 redirect using a redirect manager plugin.
Blocked due to forbidden access (403)
It is because your server is returning this error incorrectly. You can follow this link? learn more on?Blocked due to access forbidden (403).?Alternatively, you can create a forum topic in?Google Search Central Help Community.
Crawled – currently not indexed
This happens due to quality of the content, you need to improve your content so it is appealing enough. To learn more on this issue, kindly?follow this post?where Google’s Martin Splitt described how you can solve this issue. Also, there is?another post on Search Engine Journal?by Google’s Martin Splitt On?Why Pages Aren’t Indexed.?You can?follow this forum?answer.
Duplicate, Google chooses a different canonical than the user
This means that a page is a duplicate of another page, although it doesn’t indicate a preferred canonical page. Google has chosen the other page as the canonical for this page, and so will not serve this page in Search. You can Inspect this URL (or any URL indicated in the report) to see which URL Google considers canonical for this page.
This is not an error but is working as intended because Google does not serve duplicate pages. However, if you think that Google has chosen the wrong URL as canonical, you can explicitly mark the canonical for this page or use our canonical option to point the page(s) in question to the page that you’d prefer to appear in Google.
Alternatively, if you think this page is not a duplicate of the Google-chosen canonical, you should ensure that the content differs substantially between the two pages.
Blocked due to other 4xx
4xx error in Google Search Console means that something is blocking Googlebot from visiting a specific page. You should either fix this error or not submit this URL for indexing.