Hi Everyone,
This is a big miss in process for us here and we’ve been working flat out to fix it up since this was noticed (with a new set of developers no less as the core one had gone to sleep thinking stuff was ok :/)
There should be a brand new working version ready for you any time now.
In the meanwhile to fix this issue could you please try temporary editing the following Custom Sidebars plugin file on line numbers 18 and 35 respectively.
Custom Sidebars plugin file:
Edit it on line number 18 as following:
Before Editing:
function css_url( $file ) {
static $Url = null;
if ( null === $Url ) {
$basedir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
$basedir = str_replace( ABSPATH, \site_url() . '/', $basedir );
$Url = $basedir . 'css/';
return $Url . $file;
After Editing:
function css_url( $file ) {
return plugins_url( 'css/'.$file , __FILE__ );
Custom Sidebars plugin file:
Edit it on line number 35 as following:
Before Editing:
function js_url( $file ) {
static $Url = null;
if ( null === $Url ) {
$basedir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/';
$basedir = str_replace( ABSPATH, \site_url() . '/', $basedir );
$Url = $basedir . 'js/';
return $Url . $file;
After Editing:
function js_url( $file ) {
return plugins_url( 'js/'.$file , __FILE__ );
It won’t happen again, huge apologies and sorry for any inconvenience caused.