• Hi. I created my website https://www.ifixlv.com with Customizr theme. Now I found out that i have many errors in Google Webmaster tool – structured data – hentry. In order to fix that I need to modify single.php file which my current theme do not have.

    So I have a question, can I create a single.php file for current theme? If yes, how to do it?

    Is there another version of Customizr that already contains the single.php file?


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  • Thread Starter ifixlv


    Matthew: I am not really good with writing codex myself. So i would not be able to create a custom single.php myself. The one you gave me didn’t have values for author and update. what is your suggestion?

    Thread Starter ifixlv


    ElectricFeet: here are details from my Webmaster Tool.

    Structured Data > hentry (markup: microformats.org)
    Missing: author
    Missing: updated

    Missing: author
    Missing: updated

    Missing: author
    Missing: updated

    Missing: author
    Missing: updated
    Missing: author
    Missing: updated

    Missing: author
    Missing: updated

    and so on. i have total 300 errors like this

    It doesn’t show me any other information. But that article that I submitted earlier explains my problem in details. But if you want me to submit a screenshot, please, let me know how can I do that

    Can you give me your full index.php from your theme. I will see what I can do.

    Thread Starter ifixlv


    Sure, I sent it to you earlier too. Check the previous message please. here is my full index.php

    * The main template file. Includes the loop.
    * @package Customizr
    * @since Customizr 1.0
    <?php do_action( ‘__before_main_wrapper’ ); ##hook of the header with get_header ?>
    <div id=”main-wrapper” class=”<?php echo tc__f( ‘tc_main_wrapper_classes’ , ‘container’ ) ?>”>

    <?php do_action( ‘__before_main_container’ ); ##hook of the featured page (priority 10) and breadcrumb (priority 20)…and whatever you need! ?>

    <div class=”container” role=”main”>
    <div class=”<?php echo tc__f( ‘tc_column_content_wrapper_classes’ , ‘row column-content-wrapper’ ) ?>”>

    <?php do_action( ‘__before_article_container’); ##hook of left sidebar?>

    <div id=”content” class=”<?php echo tc__f( ‘__screen_layout’ , tc__f ( ‘__ID’ ) , ‘class’ ) ?> article-container”>

    <?php do_action (‘__before_loop’);##hooks the header of the list of post : archive, search… ?>

    <?php if ( tc__f(‘__is_no_results’) || is_404() ) : ##no search results or 404 cases ?>

    <article <?php tc__f(‘__article_selectors’) ?>>
    <?php do_action( ‘__loop’ ); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php if ( have_posts() && !is_404() ) : ?>
    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : ##all other cases for single and lists: post, custom post type, page, archives, search, 404 ?>
    <?php the_post(); ?>

    <?php do_action (‘__before_article’) ?>
    <article <?php tc__f(‘__article_selectors’) ?>>
    <?php do_action( ‘__loop’ ); ?>
    <?php do_action (‘__after_article’) ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php endif; ##end if have posts ?>

    <?php do_action (‘__after_loop’);##hook of the comments and the posts navigation with priorities 10 and 20 ?>

    </div><!–.article-container –>

    <?php do_action( ‘__after_article_container’); ##hook of left sidebar ?>

    </div><!--.row -->
    </div><!-- .container role: main -->
    <?php do_action( '__after_main_container' ); ?>


    <?php do_action( '__after_main_wrapper' );##hook of the footer with get_get_footer ?>`

    The page you are looking at tells you how to fix problems you don’t have.

    Customizr by default adds the author info and the updated info to blog posts (specifically the updated and author classes appear in the “entry-meta” information for each post). This makes sense: you probably want Google to know who wrote the article and when it was updated.

    The links you are pointing to are pages, not posts. As such, it’s of lesser importance—and possibly of no importance at all—that Google knows the author and the date of the page. Indeed, many companies would specifically not want authorship information on their static pages.

    Are you sure you want that information on your pages? If so, you could probably get together a small function in the functions.php of your child theme to add the meta information to each page.

    p.s. Post any code using the “code” button or backticks. Otherwise you mess up the forum as it tries to interpret the code you have posted.

    Thread Starter ifixlv


    Hi guys. Here is more detailed view of my problem:

    Extracted structured data
    entry-title: Contact iFix LV
    entry-content: Contact iFix LV Cell Phone Computer iPad Screen Repair iFix LV 3909 W Sahara Avenue #6 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Phone: (702) 388-4349 e-mail: [email protected] View Larger Map Contact iFix LV Contact…
    Error: Missing required field “updated”.
    Error: Missing required hCard “author”.


    Did you read what I wrote?

    Thread Starter ifixlv


    ElectricFeet: I see what you are saying. It was my first time using google webmater and I thought that these structured data errors will effect my site visibility in SEO. Just the number of 300 errors made me scarred.

    I agree with you that the authorship is not that important for static pages. But do you know for sure, if these errors would effect my web visibility in SEO or no?

    But do you know for sure, if these errors would effect my web visibility in SEO or no?

    Nobody knows for sure, as Google’s algorithms are a closely-guarded secret.

    However, I just tested Twenty Fourteen—the default theme provided by WordPress—and Twenty Twelve— the most popular WordPress theme— and note that:
    – The updated class doesn’t appear on posts, nor on pages (whereas in Customizr it appears on posts).
    – The author class only appears on posts (as it does in Customizr).

    So in this respect, Customizr is better than two of the most popular themes of all time—for WordPress, which is one of the most popular content management systems of all time.

    So in summary, I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.

    However, I just tested Twenty Fourteen—the default theme provided by WordPress—and Twenty Twelve— the most popular WordPress theme— and note that:
    – The updated class doesn’t appear on posts, nor on pages (whereas in Customizr it appears on posts).
    – The author class only appears on posts (as it does in Customizr).

    Is it in any of the themes provided by WordPress?

    No idea. Install them and look at the page source in your browser.

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi @ifixlv, I’ve found your topic, back from annual vacations.
    To create a custom single.php file, copy, paste and rename the index.php file which includes everything you need.
    If your issue is about Google structured data, you may rather use the hooks API of the theme to fix this.
    Some users solution on this issue :

    @kidsguide (Matthew)

    I am don’t know the theme so well but it should have a single.php in it.

    Themes hosted on WP.org can choose whether they include or not some templates of the template hierarchy.
    The template hierarchy can be quite powerful for beginners to quickly create a new page/post template.
    However, after using those templates for a while, I have noticed that they are sources of bugs and hard to maintain because you repeat many times the same code inside different files. The WordPress hooks API combined with the conditional tags, offers an elegant way to keep the code as dry as possible. This is how Customizr has been engineered.

    I agree with you that the authorship is not that important for static pages. But do you know for sure, if these errors would effect my web visibility in SEO or no?

    I agree with you that the authorship is not that important for static pages. But do you know for sure, if these errors would effect my web visibility in SEO or no?

    That’s an exact cut and paste of the question asked above. I answered it with:

    Nobody knows for sure, as Google’s algorithms are a closely-guarded secret.

    However, I just tested Twenty Fourteen—the default theme provided by WordPress—and Twenty Twelve—the most popular WordPress theme—and note that:
    – The updated class doesn’t appear on posts, nor on pages (whereas in Customizr it appears on posts).
    – The author class only appears on posts (as it does in Customizr).

    So in this respect, Customizr is better than two of the most popular themes of all time—for WordPress, which is one of the most popular content management systems of all time.

    So in summary, I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.

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