• Hello,

    My client wants to us to create a beer database and have a printable beer list on the page from said database.

    Request from client…

    “We have a beer database (our previous website had migrated all our beer database from the previous website database). We enter the Brewery, Beer Name, Beer Style, ABV, Serving Size (10oz / 14oz / or 16oz) , and Price into the database.
    On the Pages – Beer List – We select the beers from the database for our beer list and adjust their order.
    Once updated, we can print this list. It was pre-formated to print two copies on an 8-? x 11 sheet of paper and saved to our desktop or printable from the website.

    Also, Menu Database – same as the beer database – We have a huge database of specials / menu items with descriptions and pricing that we pull from for the menu page. We don’t have to type them in new every time.”

    Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Been spinning my wheels for some time now.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Fun.
    re: printing, pick ones of these or try them all out to see which one suits best :

    re: the “beer database”.
    Usually I would want to know more functional requirements, especially re: scale and future expectations. Especially re: being able to order / purchase beer online.
    However :

    You could use Advanced Custom Fields :
    Create a content type for the user to enter in the beer details, and you could use Categories to Auto-Populate the price. This way, when “Premium” beer increases in price, you are only updating one variable.

    When a client says the word “database”, what I go-to would be a robust search engine. The database is simply structured data. You want to be able to extract products by price, or beer type, or country, or size, or lager / ale, or by colour, etc, etc. As long as you use a structured approach to capturing the data, the output does not matter. But you could :

    If you find out that you need to add a purchasing component, then that is a different conversation.

    Also, would be good to know their internal process and technical approach re: inventory, beer descriptions, etc. Are we duplicating the work that is already being done internally???

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